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Ko Paszh

I’m absolutely loving how excited y’all are getting. We really got to bond more with Asahi during this arc. Time for the other characters to get their own little arcs but don’t worry we’ll get more Asahi too. —— Nishinoya’s save with his foot always gives me goosebumps. If you remember in the beginning nishinoya was talking about how cool it is to be a libero and how just as a spike can get the crowd going, a receive can be just as exciting, if not more. —— “They have to lose this set…for the plot” yeah you can never quite expect how the games are going to go and I love that. —— So next match is semi finals for the prelims to nationals. If they win that match we would still need to defeat one more team to qualify for nationals. The scene with Datekou is also supposed to get you thinking about what will happen to our 3rd years if we lose. Since the spring tournament happens during the most stressful time when seniors are preparing for standardized exam season, inter high is when they stop playing. This was the case for Datekou. They also said it’s a way to give the new team time to play together and get used to not having the 3rd years in preparation for next year. Just a little something extra to think about when making your predictions. And there’s definitely been other sports animes where the 3rd years will stay and achieve their goals, some of them even manage to achieve them in just the first season. While other animes will have them lose, the 3rd years leave, and new players fill in.


that is one of my favourites nishinoya’s save. also you can use any part of your body to receive (which is why the ball is still in play even after hitting someone’s face) it’s just inconvenient to receive with anything besides the hands since the ball is always going very fast and high in the air


that save by noya tho *chef kiss*