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Larisa T

Imma go ahead and say this, I really don't care what y'all really post (I mean this in a positive way I promise) I'm still gonna watch it, I just like watching all the content and "hanging out" with you guys, you guys are hilarious to me, so I really don't care, I'm down for the ride. Also! My week did not get better in fact it got worse lol. It feels like these episodes are so short, I hate that they go by so quickly.

Larisa T

Oh, before I forget! David, did you and Lis ever finish Harry Potter?

Preityka Gurung

Buggy doesn’t have D. in his name, it was just a play of word for “Buggy the clown”. I am sorry for confusing you guys, it’s a meme in One Piece community 😅 Yassop (wears headband which says Yassop 🤣) is the one who fired at the pillar and killed one of the bandit with the ricocheted bullet in ep 2. I was sad that they didn’t keep the Jolly Roger that Luffy drew that would’ve been so cool 😂They had to cut out 3 kids named Carrot, Pepper and Onion who were “crewmates” of Captain Ussop’s “crew”. They also removed Jango the hypnotist who was inspired by Michael Jackson and moonwalked everywhere holding his hat 😂😂 But you can see Jango’s wanted poster in ep 1 (he was the first mate of Kuro/Klahadore). There were changes in previous episodes, nothing major but they changed a lot of plots and settings from this episodes onwards. It’s like completely new show but kept the theme of the story the same as manga/anime. Also regarding the seawater, Makino explained that to Luffy at the beginning of the ep 2 so it’s not a spoiler. Oda said in SBS (where he answers the questions that fans sent him, also provides a lots of information that he could not do in the story) that it’s not only seawater but any type of water if the water level is above knees, will drain the strength of devil fruit users. I watch lots of One Piece youtubers esp. their chapter reviews because they discuss things that sometimes I miss when reading the chapter. They also have lots of fun theories, some are gum gum stretch but fun regardless. And Kevin I feel you regarding the pacing in anime. I am so glad you guys are enjoying the show.

Meruka Hinaru

Season 2 just got announced! So it's finally official that we gonna get season 2 someday haha

Ida Jansson

I was planning on waiting until you had released all the episodes so that I could binge it but I just couldn't hold myself anymore😂 Before the live action was released I hadn't seen or read any of One Piece so I had nothing that I could compare it to. But I've seen reactions from different reactors on youtube and some have been really huge OP fans so I've had some insight in what the original story is like. I've only seen the series through reactors on youtube so your reactions is the first time I actually see the full episodes and not just an edited down version. But I love this show and I think I've seen it 5-6 times already through different reactions😊