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Thanks for the reaction! Also thanks for clarifying what you meant by spicy because I for one definitely misunderstood what you meant lol Story wise I would say that Kinnporsche is great! I felt like I was watching an action movie when I watched it. The sets are beautiful and it just screams expensive to me lol The ost is also great. However one thing I'll mention is that it doesn't shy away from intimate scenes at all and that it deals with a lot of dark topics which makes sense considering its about a mafia family. If you decide to watch it I think there's a "tv" version and then an "uncut" version. The tv one doesn't have the more explicit stuff I'm pretty sure. I'd also say that The Eighth Sense is also a great series to watch. I've seen others recommending it too and I totally get why because it's beautiful. The way its filmed is so atmospheric and feels like a more western style as opposed to the usual kdrama style of filming. The acting is also superb. The first episode of this series is one of the best first episodes I've seen (personally) in terms of establishing the characters. I feel like the series does a good job of showing you exactly what type of person each character is. By the end of the first episode I felt like I had a good understanding of each character's personality. I think the series does a good job at making me care about the characters. It made me feel for the protagonists and hate the villians (I cussed at my screen a few times watching this series lmao). Also one last thing I wanted to say that I appreciate your honesty about the shows you watch and whether you're enjoying them or not. Its helpful so that way I can try recommending things to you guys that I think you might actually like versus something you just have to sit through. Also I'm sorry this is so long (T~T)

Sam sam

the amount of spicy suggestions people gave to the last episode 😭😭😭 I have a lot of good story filled BLs with lots of different plots , some of favorite ones are 'my school president', 'the untamed' and 'cherry magic' !!!!


a more tame thai bl i suggest is hidden agenda! the story line is perfect and i really enjoyed it! there are no sex scenes, just like 3 kiss scenes but there not sensual. just sweet😭 i really loves this show and the story. the acting is great and they don’t seem awkward at all.


I really love this show. I like that it’s slower because (to me) it would have been less believable to have two people who presumably dislike one another to suddenly be into each other. A slower paced storyline felt more organic (in my personal opinion). But I do think this show, like many Korean BLs, suffers from setbacks you’d find with small budget shows simply due to BLs still being more controversial to be in/air. It’s been really cool the past couple years to see how that’s been evolving (the popularity of Semantic Error has really helped). I really still love watching your reactions, even if this isn’t one that’s clicking with you completely. I get that. Not every plot line is everyone’s cup of tea. If you’re looking for other Korean BLs to consider I’d really recommend Blueming or Cherry Blossoms After Winter. Both are based on webtoons, so they may fit more of your tastes with being plot-centric versus more trope-centric storytelling. (Sorry for the long post!)

Meruka Hinaru

I don't see enough people talking about Eight Sense's soundtrack so I just wanted to add that I LOVE Eight Sense's soundtrack SO MUCH, specially all Wetter songs in the drama, I love that band so much

Meruka Hinaru

I still think you guys would absolutely love Bad Buddy, idk why I don't see many people recommending it! I think if you guys jump directly to something like Kinnporsche, you gonna freak out LOL Besides, I would recommend you first watch a non rated R Thai drama to grasp the feel first, and dive in into the more intense ones later. But that's just my opinion! If you want to experience R rated Thai BLs from the get go, I'm all for the ride HAHAHA Anyway, this drama is cute, and since I love slice of life, I don't mind slow dramas, I can literally watch an hour of just two characters just sitting one beside the other not talking and be amused by it lol But I totally get you guys wanting something more fast paced (It's also the "downside" of being exposed to something like Semantic Error first, which is super fast paced) cause sometimes the rest might seem slower compared to it haha Tho I do truly appreciate you honest reactions, that's what this is all about, experiencing things together and talking about it!


Oh you're so right Bad Buddy is great! I don't know why I forgot about it lol It's so funny I loved it 😂


Thanks for clarifying guys hahaha


I totally get what you mean by a more action packed story. I recommended the drama "Not me" because it has a very interesting plot that keeps you on your toes: rebelling against the government, identical twins hence the "not me" etc. I'm not personally into the super "spicy" series. By intense I just mean action packed with a sprinkle of spice haha. If you want a more light hearted but interesting story, I saw someone reccomend "Bad Buddy." Highly recommend, super funny. "My school president" is also good and has banging music. So many good shows. It will be fun to see you react to anything :)


i love the bl drama theory of love. But idk, i'm just pretty bias to it. Same with 2 moons 2, which is underrated in my opinion. There's a lot of drama in those, but maybe not enough? I binged those ones.

katsu ne

Why is no one recommending ITSAY? (I Told Sunset About You). By far the best thai BL in my opinion. It's a coming of age story and it shows the struggles of accepting your sexuality. At least the first season is incredible and a must in my opinion for anyone who wants to watch BLs (and it's only 5 episodes!!). Otherwise if you want pure action and spicy I recommend KinnPorsche, every episode feels like a mini movie for sure. Bad Buddy and My School President for a light, fun BL adventure. The Untamed is probably one of the greatest things ever created, but it's 50 episodes and I doubt you guys could keep up with the story (it's really, really complex and you have to pay attention to everything otherwise you'll be very confused). It's Chinese, so no spice there, only slowburn.


My favorite BL's Not Me and Bad Buddy


Honestly would love to see your reaction to BL's with longer episodes (in other words - the ones that has time to develop storylines). For Korean ones I can think of Light On Me, but also Not Me (Thai, superb series with very important messages), Manner of Death, Triage - those are the golden trio of being different yet amazing and if u want drama and spicy (I remeber your comments from Semantic Error lol) then consider watching Only Friends and also History Trapped (Taiwanese)