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Hi, it’s me again! What’s funny is that the brothers names literally mean “Dong Dong One” (il) for the oldest, “Dong Dong Two” (i) for the second and “Dong Dong Three” (sam) for the youngest son. So their parents got real creative with the naming process. Dong Geurami really is the best friend Young Woo could have wished for. She understands her disorder but never treats her differently for it. This case just felt like continuing stabs in the back of Dong Dong Sam, Geuramis dad. He did all the work on the farm for 20 (!!!!) years and his brothers just wanna swoop in and get the money. Ughhh people are just trash sometimes. Honestly I would have been petty and kept all the money to myself. The brothers don’t deserve a penny from it. I’m sure their late parents would have been okay with it too after what the older brothers pulled. This case made Young Woo fall in love with the law again, which was just great to watch. She was amazing in court! This is the episode where Kwon Minwoo (male rookie attorney) started to get on my nerves. Also Lee Junho is the sweetest human being, he is precious and must be protected at all costs! Summa sum laude means “highest honor”. So Young Woo was in the top percent of her class. Seoul National University is the most prestigious university in Korea. Sorry for making you read such a long comment again. Okay byeeee ✌🏻


I personally really like our lil community that we have here, I think majority of us are introverted here so it makes it somewhat easier to talk to others. This was another episode that I really enjoyed watching as well, mostly because it is the main focus and what I want to do in law school really (wills, trusts, and estates), fun fact, my mom has already decided that I am gonna be taking care of what all happens with her property and everything she leaves behind when she passes, and I'm the youngest of the family so that's gonna be interesting later on. I could never do what those brothers did to the dad, I'm like the dad I would split everything equally and listened to them about their hardships and gone from there, I am not someone who needs that type of thing and lives paycheck-to-paycheck to, but idk, what those brothers did was horrible. I understand wanting to be the person to want to keep the money all to yourself, however, you have to remember some people like him may want to stick to their own values and want to treat their family better than what they are treated (idk if that is his case, but it would be for me). The male attorney, I suggest paying attention to his character, he's a bit.....shady. The female CEO is also just Youngwoos dad's friend from the past really, except in later episodes she will come into play, keep in mind, we'll also find out more on the mom eventually too. Oh, and as stephanie mentioned, summa cum laude is the highest honor that you can graduate in college, I only know that because I graduated with that lol, yes, I am flexing a smidge lol. Definitely was influenced into buying an iced coffee though, however there is no dunkin donuts where I live so instead I got biggby, not supposed to be drinking caffeine but....oh well lol. Idk what an iced americano really is but I do believe that it's just watered-down espresso? don't quote me on that though, I'm not a barista, but I do know that so many people in South Korea drink them because they're like zero calorie and the caffeine helps to suppress appetite, so I think that's why so many people drink them over there mainly celebrities and idols in general.

Priyanka Banerjee

@Kevin you can learn Aniyo for formal “no” too. Usually verbs/sentences ending with “yo” are formal in korean. ———— @David open a Kpop themed one with posters and stuff. Have sections with props from mvs and stuff where people can click pics and all that. And serve korean food. Sell Kpop idols favourite foods and stuff? Haha idk just spurting out random stuffs. 🤣 ———— Btw the brothers names. Dong Dong-il, Dong-Dong-i, Dong Dong-sam. In sino korean numbers “il” is 1, “i” (pronounced as e) is and “sam” is 3. And the father’s name Wonbin. There’s actually a handsome korean actor named Wonbin. I think that was the joke. Cuz the friend says “He named his kids like this (1,2,3), it’s like he didn’t even try. But his name was Wonbin. (They laugh and she adds) Just his name was handsome”. I think this was the joke. Also remember in goblin also when female lead is helping grim reaper choose a guy’s name girls like she says “Hyunbin, Wonbin, Woobin”. Hyunbin is Crash Landing On You’s actor. Then Wonbin is another korean actor and then there is Kim Woobin another korean actor who’s really handsome too. I’ve seen Kim Woobin in the heirs and uncontrollably fond.


Hi ! I think the big photo of the whale in the meeting room was here before, Lee Jun-ho didn't put it here to impress Young-woo, he just saw it ... the name of the law firm is Hanbada, Han = last name of the CEO + "bada" = the sea in korean, so it doesn't feel weird to have a photo of a whale to decorate the room (plus the photo is in black and white so it has an artistic vibe). And the part with the three brothers fighting because of the inheritance it's a sad but so real, so common story. Not always a fraud like in the drama but it's often because people don't have the same idea of what to do about the legacy, keep it for later or sold it to have money. And if it's a house/family house, the emotional value is also important and different for one person to another in a family, a real headache. The more heir there is the harder it is ! So people (older people ^^) really need to think about it, decide who gets what, do a will so when they are no longer here, there is no more problems, no fight between family members.


Hey guys... How are you doing? I had a few days off and I started to watch Attorney Woo bc I was bored. I watched like 5 episodes with my mom and I couldn't bring myself to stop. So I binged the entire drama in 2 days. After that I binged all your reactions to it. It felt like coming home in a way. Just leaving a short comment this time. Next episode I will go all out...I promise 😂. Love you guys 💜 💜