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Everyone around the king was pressuring him to marry the current queen. All kings derived power from the queen's family & the current queen's family had all the noble family backing them up. The king said he would just throw away the throne for hae soo but he was reminded that he would be killed which makes sense as he will always be seen as a threat who can take the throne again from whoever becomes the king. Just like what did with his brother, the 3rd king. I can't believe the nerve of the queen on their wedding night. I thought she was smart and knew what should be said and what should be kept to herself. She really told the king to get rid of hae soo as there will b many people who can use her against him. She knows how much the king loves hae soo & wanted to throw away everything for her and yet the queen called Hae Soo a risk and then had the audacity to look surprised when the king shut her up & told her not to cross the line. Hae Soo's best friend is responsible for the death of 1 king, 1 prince and the general's daughter. The punishment for the death of 3 noble birth people would have been more gruesome. The fact that the king even gave her a chance to quietly leave the palace without punishment was more than merciful. I think the king should have told Hae Soo everything. If he did tell hae soo everything, she would have agreed to let her best friend go rather than see her put to death. Their communication skills is horrible.


Jung and So were never close. Jung did pity him a bit at the beginning , but never to the point where he stood up for him. Actually if you recall to when the 4th prince saved him from someone wanting to chop his arm, he refused to thank So, instead he ignored him n thanked Wook. Atp there was pretty neutral feelings towards each other. They never rlly gott along. But Jung did start to actually hate the 4th prince after the death of the 10th prince (Beak) because he still thought it was somehow So’s fault. So it wasn’t really shocking that the 4th prince was heartless in punishing his own brother, because in a way, he didn’t see him as a brother. Remember he was caste away at a young age, he probably interacted more with the 3rd prince than he ever did with Jung. (Jung also didn’t really see him as a brother) so I think neither parties were shocked by e/o actions

Tanya Rai

This may be an unpopular opinion but I find Jung quite annoying as a person in the drama. He always seemed to favour his mother (Queen Yoo) and 3rd Prince all the time even when they were so wrong. I know that after Wang Eun's (Baekhyun) death, he does reprimand 3rd Prince's actions, however, if not stopped by Hae soo, he would have gone after So for killing Wang Eun first, when it wasn't So's fault at all. Many other instances as well like in the first half of the drama, when Wang So, Wang Wook and Hae Soo save him from goons, he, for no reason tells So that he is embarrassed to be born from the same mother as him. Like for literally no reason whatsoever. His character always seemed to be uselessly hateful towards So for no specific reason throughout the whole drama which made me hate him the most out of all the princes. Even 3rd prince or 8th prince are better than him because atleast I can understand their reasons and point of view for hating So, whereas I couldn't fathom any for Jung.


Not sure if you saw my previous message to you guys, but just in case you didn't, Ladder S3 behind the scenes is now available! Go here: https://twitter.com/dyonigiri/status/1570035574446391296?t=Y8cSCszEFuEdKbjiLObh8A&s=19

krizhe ming

Well, I don't think that's an unpopular opinion. I bet many of us felt the same with Jung. His ignorance and his prejudice to So were annoying. He was like a spoiled brat trying to act like a matured person. Though I won't say that I dislike him more than the other princes, his character is still not likeable in anyway, for me.


Yeah, the drama in this episode (ep. 18) is heavier and so sad. But I would agree, it's better for hae soo to get out from the Palace than for her to suffer more of what is happening inside, with the royal family.. In the episode 19 I think it's getting heavier until the last ep. I hope you guys will be prepare for the worst to happen. It's so sad and heartbreaking but I really like the drama that is going on here.


Yeah...it's been like 4 times and I still cried so much lmao. The way the writers played out Chaeryoungs storyline in the background of all the major plot events was so smart. Also, Them waiting until after the big reveal of everything she did to show you the reason why. It made everyone feel conflicted because there were so many layers of information. I feel like, In this situation, neither chaeyroung nor the king was really wrong, they both did what they had to so they can protect what they love. Just a super sad outcome. You guys' shocked faces through the whole ep were so funny. I can't wait for y'all to see these last 2 episodes!

Tanya Rai

Not sure, because I have seen most people favouring him over other princes for not being "evil" and saying things like 'His love for Hae Soo is selfless' crap. He has been nothing but a selfish brat this entire drama, as you rightfully mentioned. Even when 14th prince (Baek Ah) sent some spy to look if Jung was doing well, he acted soo rude to him about it and insulted Princess Woo Hee by addressing her as bad company to Baek Ah and calling her a "Gisaeng". That was uncalled for on his part. Honestly, the reason I prefer main villains more than him is because I can atleast endure them on screen whereas I just want to slap Jung whenever he shows up, like just SHUT UP.

Priyanka Banerjee

I agree with you Tanya. Not sure about whether this is a popular opinion or not. But Jung has been prejudiced to So. Even after the thing where they thought So killed the 3rd Prince on the cliff? He was were rude to So then also. And he was rude to him even after finding out that the 3rd Prince was still alive. I might be wrong but if I remember right after Eun died he was all like So like his “brothers” or something. Like plural. So I agree with you. And yea I get why the 3rd Prince, 8th Prince and 9th Prince are against So or being bad. But idk why Jung is.

Priyanka Banerjee

I like it you guys get excited reading small tidbits and connections I share. Like the the moon lovers and goblin connection I shared in last Ep. And the W Two Worlds cameo in weightlifting fairy which I had shared hehe. 🙊🙈🙉 Thank you hehe :3 —————— Wow after this episode I think I’m gonna go ahead and watch Ep 19 and 20 lol. Can’t wait a week 😂😅 I’m too curious as to what will happen next. Also I think Chaeryung did what she did cuz of her love for the 9th Prince. Idk if the 9th Prince liked her too but I think he did know that Chaeryung liked him. Also So and Jung were never close. So was close to Baek Ah (weightlifting fairy guy).

Tanya Rai

Yes, when Eun dies, he gets so enraged and tries to go to So to kill him saying "I'll kill him before he kills all us brothers" and gets stopped by Hae Soo. I was literally like are you blind or what. Your other brother (3rd Prince) killed Eun and his wife as well as 1st prince Moo (who became King) and you are saying So is killing all brothers.


I think you meant when the 4th prince (now king) and the 8th prince (not the 3rd prince) who saved Jung from getting his hand chopped. I also think that maybe david and kevin confused Jung as the 13th prince, Baek ah. The current king is close to the 13th prince . Jung is the 14th prince. The 14th prince is also in love with Hae Soo, so thats another reason for Jung to not like the king.


I do agree that Jung was very annoying at times & unnecessarily prejudice towards So that never made any sense to me but I do agree that his love for Hae Soo was selfless. He never burdened Hae Soo by confessing his feelings and even though he had a way to get Hae Soo out of the palace with him for a long time, he waited until she wanted to get out. The things he did for her in the following episodes and through out his life without wanting anything from her in return deserves some admiration.

Priyanka Banerjee

@Fariha I’d agree with the HaeSoo part too. For what I’ve seen till now he was good to her and you’re right he didn’t burden her and all. Don’t know about the following episodes though since I haven’t watched them yet. Till now what I’ve seen till now I think he’s been ok with almost everyone but So.

Tanya Rai

Only if he wasn't so much of a coward in front of his mother and brother (3rd Prince) and really stood up for his brothers whom he "apparently loved", such as 10th Prince (Baekhyun), because clearly his mother, Queen Yoo considered him as her favourite son out of 3, I wouldn't have been so hard on him. But he himself didnt do shit to help anyone in the entire drama except being in the background only to show up once in a while to reprimand So for his actions. And yes as Fariha said, being in love with Hae Soo. That was his entire role, criticizing So and being in one sided love with Hae Soo.


Yo! Its's been a while I've been busy these past couple of weeks so I couldn't really catch up with you guys. Happy late birthday Kevin I wanted to ask if you were part of the September gang also my birthday was September 1st and I'm still accepting happy birthday wishes cause the ice cream i got isn't done yet. And I also was stuck on all of us are dead for 2 weeks and became emotionally drained from it. So I've been avoiding anything that could make me emotional, but that's the only type of drama you guys are watching right now. I was happy to see a new drama extraordinary woo...but the father is literally the same guy who played the main female lead's father in all of us are dead... I just started rewatching true beauty It's so fun to watch. Definitely recommend it, if you want a break from this depressing stuff. It's like strong women do bong soon, but it's an entirely different concept. It's a very fun drama with a secret dark side to it. Now to talk about the actual drama we just watched. Kevin, you either said this episode 16 or 17 but you are 100% correct if you're an idol you will never finish a drama. But I realized except if you're Cha Eunwo. He's literally everywhere in the acting industry, you couldn't convince me that he is also a full-time idol. And he's also the main male lead in true beauty. Back to this drama, I stopped watching episode 16 so I'm glad I can watch the rest of it with you guys. It lessons all the tension. Thank you. I am not satisfied with the queen's death I don't even understand what she died from. To me, it seemed like she died from shock or maybe a heart attack from the news of Jung being sent away, but then again it seemed like she was really starting to feed into and love the things So was saying and then she died, so maybe it wasn't a heart attack. Regardless very unsatisfied I would have preferred her to get stabbed. Also am I the only one that found Chae-ryun suspicion from the beginning, I only liked her because she was cute and made hae soo happy. But she was always sus to me and seemed like she was always lying. For example, she never said anything sus but her body language, it's all about the body language. Am I the only one who felt like something was off when she said she couldn't read? It made sense but I was confused because she gave a weird vibe like she was lying. But I was wooting for her knowing that she was probably doing it for her family. I honestly would have been happy in Hae so let her leave, because she would have been away from the castle. Time to get Wook he's pure evil and manipulative. Wook was also sus from the beginning. He was being pictured as someone WAY TO NICE, Beak uh was a normal nice guy, Wook was not normal! I knew there would be a switch I even thought he might be the fourth king. I only cried a little because Hae soo was sitting there telling herself that she was okay when she wasn't. That was just too relatable for me. I only feel bad for Jung he should have at least been able to see his mom die. Then again we can never understand so's perspective. I don't feel bad for so feeling betrayed by Wook, I don't understand why he trusted him... it makes no sense to me. I'm also shook that Soo said yes to Jung, because throughout this whole drama she's been acting dumb, this was unexpected! If I was her I would have desperately wanted to leave with Jung, not even in like a romantic way. Just to escape. I'm sooo so sorry about the essay!! I needed to catch up!!