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Password: owl

Part 1: https://dai.ly/x7pa3sc

Part 2: https://dai.ly/x7pa3sd

Part 3: https://dai.ly/x7pa3se

Part 4: https://dai.ly/x7pa3sf




The wrong thumbnail but let's goo


wrong thumbnail but thanks for the spoiler lmfaoo


spoiler 😳


I feel ya, because I’ve been trying to figure out what the name of the stuff they took too ever since I’ve watched Showtime and they drank some on there also


OMG your passwords!!!! First it was 'rambo'. Now its 'owl'.


So the stuff they are drinking is probably something like this https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B081XHCG2M/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_1?smid=A3NHNNIKG26XW3&psc=1. It's a green plum extract/syrup. Green plums have many health benefits, aiding digestion, weight loss, healthy skin, you name it. Extracts are made from them, but in their raw state, they aren't tasty. Most green plum extracts are sweetened. People make tea out of them , or use it for cooking, but you can also take it straight just for health. These packets are something similar to what they were using, but these are just straight green plum extract. No sweetener added, so you would probably not want to consume it right from the package. A lot of manufacturers add brown sugar to it. Honey would probably work too. They also sell plum extract already sweetened, but those are only in bottles (at least those available for purchase in the US). The deodorant style sunscreen is Nature Republic. EXO used to be Nature Republics spokespeople and used that sunscreen on other venues...