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Thank you for the awsome dreamy present....!


ASMR Let's try the Relaxing Massage Chair 안마의자에 앉아보자❤️

Thank you for the awsome dreamy present....! ================================== 업무 문의 qldmdmsql@naver.com 인스타그램 https://www.instagram.com/eunbar/ 독점영상&리워드 [패트리온] https://www.patreon.com/eunzel 독점영상&리워드 한국 플랫폼 [팬딩] https://fanding.kr/user/eunzel 독점영상, 엔딩크레딧 참여, 이모티콘과 뱃지까지 제공되는 유튜브 멤버쉽 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS5qmPFj36fK7fML6gYcZSQ/join 소리만 듣고 싶은 젤리들은 오디오클립 https://audioclip.naver.com/channels/1269



Oh wow that relaxing chair looks supercomfy!!! I have to get one for myself someday. Whoever this Royal Zelly is, it's very generous of him! 😊 Yeah, the noises from outside was a little annoying but I focused mostly on you (I didn't notice Jojo disappearing from the sofa in the middle of the video). ^^


I'd say I need one of those but I don't need another reason to be lazy 😂

Ronny [Rendition]

Thank you for the upload. It's amazing how much noise the soundproof booth usually blocks. :) It's been a while since you uploaded a massage video from the massage parlour, I guess those are still closed due to Corona? But getting a massage in your home, whenever you need one is so much more convenient. For the first session, you look really relaxed, too. I tried one of those massage chairs at a local mall once... I screamed and giggled because I was so surprised and it tickled too much. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ