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팥빙수 만들어 먹으려고 졸여둔 팥이 아주 요긴하게 사용되는 무더운 여름이다. 편집하면서 빙수를 갈아먹기에는 시간이 없어서 아몬드 밀크에 팥을 쉐잌 쉐킷 쉐킷! 해서 얼음을 가득 담아 한번더 쉐킷킷킷! 해서 먹는데 정~말 달콤하고 시원하고 맛있다. 원래도 음료수를 좋아하는데 집에서 팥음료수를 만들어마실 수 있다니 좋구만. 마치 팥아이스크림 쥬스버전 같달까? 아이스크림 비비빅도 좋아하던 내게는 딱 좋은 맛. 

갑자기 궁금해지네, 저는 요즘 아이스크림을 잘 안먹긴 하지만. 어떤 아이스크림 제일 좋아해요? 어렸을 때는 뽕따 진~짜  많이 먹었는데.  

참! 내일 생방송 할게요 :) 몇시에 할지는 나도 모르겠따아아~~~ I'll be streaming tomorrow! When? ... Random lol! 




뻬쓰낀라빈수 민뜨쪼코.... 하겐다즈 바닐라...


any ice cream that has chocolate except mint is my favorite lol


The kind of ice cream I usually eat is sorbet with either mango or raspberry/blueberry flavour 😋 But when it's summer time and it's really hot outside, I go for either a popsicle or a slush drink.

Ronny [Rendition]

My favorites are chocolate and chocolate chip ice cream. You guys have fun tomorrow, I'll be working, so please keep the VOD. :)


Same as Ronny, i don't know if i'll be able to join as a Ninja this time. Maybe, depending of when you're going live. Ice cream, hmmm... i think mint with chocolate chip. But actually i can't think of an ice cream i wont eat. Yeah, better stay away from it. 🤤 Please keep the VOD. 👻


The stream was so chill and relaxing... i almost fell asleep right after. It was so difficult to stay awake after this. Seriously you got to find those bowl or i don't know what it was in the background but it's hypnotic :D . Also i just noticed i misunderstood the question about the minimal wage lol, i was talking about a taxe. That's why you was confused maybe, in France it's 10,15€/hour. That's the minimal. But in France, we have a different economy, everyone get heavily taxed compared to other country but this money is used for others things, like healthcare for everyone, retirement plan, study, etc... The cost of things is not exactly the same either, like... food on the supermarket is a lot cheaper. Yeah it's different than, let say the US. I believe in America you get more money but you have to pay yourself for many things. In France the government take a bigger cut, but manage many things for everyone with it. So, if you earn like, 2k€/months in France it's actually quite okay. Some people doesn't. Of course some will earn a lot more. But you can live well with 2k in France. Now living in Paris is more expensive than elsewhere in the country but usually you are earning more aswell. I don't know how it work in Korea i'm quite interested to learn about this.


Not only Korea actually, if you guys wanna talk about this, how it is in your country ? What is the minimal wage ? 🤔