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“10시 영상 공개니까 봐야 해...” 하고 폰을 쥐고 있었는데 정신차려보니 지금. 새벽 4시~?? 와... 며칠간의 수면부족이 드디어 ㅇ.ㅇ .... 뒤늦게 영상 최초공개 채팅을 보니 후원 젤리들이 “은젤 이사하고 잠든듯” “곧 잠들었다고 일기쓸듯!” 이라는데 거기에 또 깜놀! 혹시 새 집에 cctv 몰래 달아둔거 아냐..?!

이사 무사히 잘 마쳤어요 간단한 짐정리 끝나는대로 핸드폰으로 방송 켤게요 ㅎㅎ



Good to hear the moving went well! 😄

Ronny [Rendition]

So you already slept in your new house. ㅋㅋ Funny to read that our assumptions in the premier chat were 100% accurate... We don't need a camera for that, we just know you. :) Well, after the 2nd move in a row and after a few sleepless nights, it was pretty much expected. Your body demanded the rest. Enjoy the silence of the new place :D I'm going to go to bed soon (it's 10pm here right now).


We knew it lol, we told the others during the premier ^^. I hope i can see the cctv live, let the VOD just in case. :D


It's good to hear that everything went well and you got some sleep in your new place! 😊 I don't think I will be able to see the CCTV livestream so it will be VOD for me again... It's almost midnight here in Sweden, so the bed is calling for me now... 🛌