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과학 영상에서 행복이란 감정은 만들어낼 수 있는 것이라는 내용을 보고 신기했던 적이 있다. 우울증 약이 그렇다고 한다. 먹으면 기분이 좋아지고 행복해진다고. 그런데 그런 생각이 들었다. 행복한 감정이란건 뭘까?

맛있는 음식을 먹었을 때 “꺄 너무 맛있어!” 하는 순간 같은 걸까? 행복...? 잘 모르겠는거다. 행복한 느낌이란게 뭐지? 기분이 좋다는건 어떤 느낌을 말하는걸까? 경계가 참 애매하다. 조조가 너무 예뻐서 황홀하게 바라보며 쓰다듬다가도 문득 슬퍼지는 그 직전까지의 감각이 행복일까? 사라질까봐 두려워서 슬픔이 찾아오기까지 하니까...? 하여튼 애매하다. 이 기분이 너무 궁금해서 약을 먹어보고 싶을 정도니 말이다.

그런데, 행복한 감정이 뭔지는 알기 어렵지만 반대의 경우는 너무 쉬운 것 같다. 여자는 호르몬때문에 주기적으로 기분이 업다운 된다. 어떤 날은 앞으로 뭐든지 잘 할 수 있을 것 같고 희망차다가도, 어떤 날은 너무 두렵고 불안하고 앞이 깜깜하다.

오늘은 후자와 같은 날이었다. 똑같은 조건에서도 갑자기 모든게 절망적으로 보이고 의욕이 안생긴 하루! 어휴... 대자연의 날은 몸도 마음도 엉망진창이구만! :(

그래도 원인을 호르몬으로 돌리니 한편으로는 마음이 가볍기도 하다. 이또한 지나가리.



배부르고 등 따뜻하면 행복..


Everyone has good and bad days, it's a normal thing. If today wasn't very good then maybe tomorrow will be better 😄 goodnight!


The only drugs you are allowed to take is 은비타민. Nothing else. 👀

Ronny [Rendition]

"What is happiness" is a very interesting question. The answer varies a lot, depending on who you ask and also depending on the circumstances. To a homeless person in the street, having a warm meal is happiness. To a medical worker these days, being able to take one day off work is happiness. Basically, happiness can not exist on its own forever. Happiness is the positive exception to the norm. That's why we also need negative things in our lives every now and then, so that we can truly value the positive things and feel happy about them. As for the medicine, I wouldn't recommend taking it just out of curiosity. However, if it was prescribed to you by a doctor after talking about the situation, then that's entirely different, you should take it in that case.


Happiness can be so many things. For me, it's either dancing to my favorite songs, finishing projects or doing fun activities with family and friends. It is normal for a human being to have bad days because you can't be happy all the time. There has to be days where you feel down or unhappy about some things. If today turned out to be a bad day, you can always look forward to tomorrow and hope that it will be much better than yesterday. The thing is, we will never know what will happen tomorrow or the next day. Life is always full of surprises and you have to expect the unexpected.


Yeah taking these kind of stuff out of curiosity is a bad idea, first of all, it doesn't make someone happy, it make someone not caring about things anymore. Secondly, it make people gain weight among other disorder such as sleep, libido, fast heartbeat, everytime. And finally, it's addictive so... better stay away from this if it's not 100% needed. So i hope she doesn't need it and if not, i hope she will stay away from it. 😰