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주문을 하면 하루 넘게 기다려야 하는데다 배송비를 절약하려면 4만원 이상을 시켜야만 해서 감자 몇개만 필요한 지금은 딱 그것만 사는게 좋겠다 싶어 아마트 정문 근처 마트를 다녀오기로 했다.

아주 오랜만에 자전거 바퀴에 바람을 넣었다. 슈욱 슈욱. 그리고 자전거를 타고 나갔는데, 와...너무 좋은데? 내가 자전거를 타고 움직이자 조조도 타고싶은 기색이 역력했다. 자전거 바구니에 함께 탄건 꽤 오래전이었으니까. 작년 여름 이후로는 자전거를 탄 적이 없었다. 가을 겨울이 와서 추운 것도 있었고 10월에 은자를 타게 되면서부터는 더더욱 그랬지. 앞 바구니에 태워 아파트 단지를 쭈욱 돌았더니 바람을 쐬면서 너무 좋아했다. 귀여운 녀석.

조조 덕분에 하루에 한번은 햇빛을 보러 나가고 오늘은 감자 덕분에 자전거만의 힐링되는 기분을 느낄 수 있었다.

그런데 지금 마트의 감자가격은 엄청나게 비쌌다. 햇감자 3개에 거의 6980원...?! 예전에 살던 집 근처 농협에서 샀을때는 3개 2000원도 안했는데. 지금 감자가 비쌀 시즌인가? 그치만 이마트 감자도 가격이 사악하긴 하지만 이것보단 싼 것 같은데. 뭐여 진짜~

음 ㅎㅎㅎ 앞으로는 자전거 힐링만 하고 슈퍼마켓은 웬만하면 안가야지. 크흡.



I now wish I had a bike, I'm going crazy in my home lol and potatoes for like $6? Wow that gets us a big bag of potatoes here but that's for regular potatoes, I don't know how much sweet potatoes are. I should check this weekend when I do some shopping for food


Food is more expensive in Korea, i mean on the market when you buy it for your home, to cook yourself. Because the weird thing is, you guys have some cheap places where you can eat for like... 2 or 3 dollar lol. Those Taxi restaurent for instance are really cheap, it's only basic dishes made for the drivers but i was surprised how cheap it is. You have so many places where you can eat for almost nothing compared to my country, for less than 5$ ! I don't understand why these places are so cheap while the food itself is more expensive lol.

Ronny [Rendition]

I think the higher demand makes for higher prices. If people don't want to order online, having to pay shipping cost and wait for a day, there is a premium to pay for immediately available goods. I guess there are also only very few merchants who dare to go sell on the market these days, so less competition means higher prices, too. Please make sure to secure Jojo in the bike basket. I think you told us a while ago that he jumped out of it once?


It's crazy how the supermarket is charging more for potatoes. Good stuff shouldn't be expensive... It's nice to hear that you and Jojo went on a bike ride to the mart. It sounds like he was excited! Can you imagine seeing him steering a bike with his little paws? Jojo would become YouTube famous instantly ㅋㅋ Bike riding is one of my favorite things to do every spring and every summer. I would ride through the trees to the beach, then I take a break, listen to music and watch the sunset for like half an hour. It's so nice... 🚴‍♂️🎧🌅


그 돈이면 국밥..