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요즘 한국에서 국민들이 분노하고 있는 사건이 있다. 바로 텔레그램 n번방 성착취 사건. 실은 나는 자세한 내용은 알지 못하고 그냥 ‘성착취 사건이 또 벌어졌고 그 정도가 심하고 동조한 시청자들도 많구나. 세상엔 가학적 변태들이 참 많네’ 정도로 생각했다. 인간의 탈을 쓰고 인간 이하의 행동을 하는 사람들이 있었던게 어디 하루 이틀인가?

그런데 아침에 자고 일어나니 인스타그램 DM이 폭주중이었다. 보통 업무 내용이 아니면 잘 확인하지도 답장도 하지 않는데 미리보기부터 뭔가 심상치 않았다.

“은젤님 n번방 운영자 조주빈이...”

“은젤님 혹시 알고 계신가요? n번방 범인이..”

네...? 아니 조주빈인지 좆주빈인지 하여튼 쓰레기같은 그 사건과 내가 대체 무슨 관계가..?

잠이 덜깬채 읽은 메시지들은 날 정신차리게 했다. 알고보니 어제 오늘 내내 인터넷 실검 1위를 차지하고 있는 문제의 그 조주빈이 내 인스타를 팔로우 하고 있었던 것이다. 그 사실을 알게 된 사람들이 어서 계정을 차단하라고 제보를 한거였다. 그는 약 3000명을 팔로우하고 있었는데 대부분이 여자였고 그 중 나도 있었던 것이다.

“이 범인이 여자들 얼굴로 딥페이크 영상이나 사진도 제작해서 유포한다고 합니다. 은젤님도 예방을 위해서 꼭 계정을 차단하시길 추천드려요!”

딥페이크가 뭔지도 이번에 처음 알았다. 그렇구만... 어휴 저런 사건이 있다니 쯧쯧 하고 혀를 찼던 나 역시 나도 모르는 새 피해자가 될 수 있는 것이었다. 어쩌면 이미 되었을수도? 딥페이크가 그래서 무서운것이라 한다. 피해자 본인은 피해 여부를 알 수조차 없어서.

뒤늦게 이번 사건이 어떤 과정으로 벌어지게 된건가 알아보니 스폰 및 조건만남 같은 아르바이트를 제안하고 수락하고 조율하는 과정에서 피싱행위가 있었던 것이었다. 여기에서 또 한번 놀랐다. 나한테도 그간 인스타그램으로 스폰 제의가 몇번 왔었다. 미친놈이구만~ 하고 신경도 안쓰고 그냥 넘겨버렸었는데 심지어 그게 진담이 아니라 나를 낚으려는 사기일 수 있었다 생각하니 충격적이었다. 으으... 나를 약점잡아 노예삼으려던 사기꾼 성범죄자라구...? 스폰을 희망하고 떠보는 것과 비교도 안되게 소름돋는다.

이모는 뉴스를 보며 말했다.

“저런 대화방에 26만명이라니, 정말 미쳤구나 미쳤어. 이해가 안되네. 얼마나 변태여야 저런 걸 좋아하고 돈을 내고 보는거야?”

나는 대답했다.

“난 야동을 보는 건 문제가 안된다고 생각해. 저 사람들이 저게 그냥 좀 하드한 야동이라고 생각했으면 입장료를 내고 들어갔다고 해도 문제가 아닌거같아. 야동은 배우들이 서로 동의하고 설정해서 연출하는거잖아? 취향이지 뭐. 근데 이번 사건의 문제는 엄연히 피해자와 착취자가 존재하는 시스템이었다는거지... 입장료를 내고 동참한 시청자가 만약 이 모든 사정을 알고 있었다면, 노예가 컨셉이 아니라 정말로 협박과 강요를 받은 피해자라는 걸 알고도 즐겼다면... 정말 운영자와 다를 것 없는 쓰레기인거지...”

그리고 그런 쓰레기가 26만명 이상일 수 있다는 게 정말 무서운거지.

사람들은 조주빈이 너무 멀쩡해보여서 놀랐다고 하지만 난 별로 그렇진 않았다. 대학교 다닐 때에도 별 이상한 사람들 정말 많이 봤다. 외모, 지능, 학벌 집안 기타 등등 어떤 요소도 그 사람의 인성과는 관련이 없다. 원래 진짜 싸이코패쓰 소시오패쓰는 멀쩡해보이는 가면으로 남을 잘 속이기 마련이다.

어쨌든 아침부터 기가 막히고 황당해서. 나 참... ㅎㅎ이번 사건으로 상처를 받은 모든 사람들이 조금이라도 치유되면 좋겠다. 그리고 괜한 인간 쓰레기들때문에 아무 관련 없고 성실하게 살아가고 있는 남자들이 억울한 누명을 쓰지 않았으면 좋겠다.

요즘같이 바이러스로 힘든 시기에 일부때문에 남녀가 서로를 미워하는 일이 제발 벌어지지 않기를 바라며.



마지막줄이 너무 공감되네요ㅠㅠ남녀갈등이 더 심해지지않았으면합니다


1999년에 비해 21세기에는 밝고 희망적으로 느껴졌었는데 전염병, 마약, 장기매매 등등 더 어둡고 우울한 시기인것 같네요. 차라리 세기말 운석 충돌이 나을 지경.


지금이라도 잡혀서 정말 다행이네요. 저도 이번 보도가 있기 전까진 존재 자체도 몰랐었는데 참 무서운 사람들이 많은 거 같습니다.


일때문에 바빠서 하나도 모르다가 n번방 n번방 하길래 뭔가 하고봤다가 경악..26만은 사실 너무 말이안되는수치라서 수백명쯤 되지않을까 했다가 뉴스보니 6만명이라는 소리에 너무 놀랍더군요.. 요근래 몇년은 정말 다사다난한거같습니다.

Ronny [Rendition]

I don't know the details of this case, but I've heard and read about deepfakes before. Replacing a face in a photo or video by another face is one VERY scary aspect of artificial intelligence. Photoshopping another face into a photo has been done for many years, but it took a lot of experience to create believable results. Everybody being able to do it with a simple mouse click and even manipulating videos in the same way is a scary thought. So far all the tech demos I've seen were quite easy to recognize as fakes whenever the person turned their head, but sooner or later all photo or video evidence will have to be considered as void. "Seeing is believing" will no longer work once these fakes get more advanced. All things considered, the internet is a very scary place. But if you use logic thinking and standard precautions, you can be reasonably safe. Always be careful who you share information with, which info you share and take extreme caution when a meeting in real life is proposed. If there's really a plausible reason to meet, better don't go alone.


I read about this scandal, didn't knew about the follow. But you never know who's watching your content, sometimes it can be celebrity too. I know a lot about deepfake tho, i made some cool stuff myself but not porn related lol. But i know most people are using it for this purpose, it's always like this... take any interesting tool like.. i don't know, a camera ? Some people are going to use it to do interesting things and others are just gonna do sexual related stuff with it. Same thing goes with some paper and a pen. I guess, that's just how people are... This tech is used for many things now, included app that "beautify" your face, Ulike, Snow, even Youcam, etc... it's also used to unlock your phone with face scan. But the face swap porn is a huge problem for every famous people, and i know sadly, many ASMRtist, even less popular than you have been targeted. It's just a matter of time until you will be so you better be prepared for this. People are trying to do some legal actions against it but it's very difficult. And once a video is made, it's almost impossible to take it down. It keep spreading. Depending on the skill level of the user, the amount of images used for the iteration file and the "training" done with the models. It will look more or less real, it can be almost flawless if everything is done right so... This tech was first used in movies, they managed to make a Fast & Furious movie with Paul Walker, who has passed away year before it. Or used to make younger version of actual living actors, like in the recent Star Wars movies. It's a really amazing tech, it's just sad that people want to use it for this. I made myself and some friends appear in some Avenger fight scene hahaha. That's way cooler ! Believe me i look good in Captain America's suit ! 😝 Anyway, yes, i think sadly, you must prepare yourself for this. Sooner or later someone will target you. Because of the nature of your ASMR they have all the data needed to do so. The more popular you get, the more exposure to this kind of stuff you get aswell.


I've seen other creators talk about it, unfortunately it's something a lot of them go through and it's really weird. Really all you can do is try to stay aware if anything seems off about when someone contacts you. Stay safe Eunzel!


The internet is such a strange place when it comes to technologies like this. Last year I stumbled upon a "deepfake" video on YouTube and I thought it was so weird and creepy. It just didn't sit right with me. You know, they made holograms for MJ and Whitney Houston for award shows and "concerts". They hired impersonators to capture their movements and then they digitally altered their faces afterwards. But the holograms end up looking nothing like the actual artists and they don't move exactly like them either. Which is hilarious but also sad at the same time. Of course, people can do some cool and awesome things with this "deepfake" technology but they use it mostly for sexual purposes. So you need to be extra careful when you encounter a person who wants to make you an offer online.


Yeah people always find a way to turn something amazing into something creepy. I work with deep learning almost on daily basis cuz of my job, well, before the corona situation that is... AI can assist me in my work, they can instantly spot flaws and calculation error if they are trained to. Deep Learning and AI are really a huge step toward the futur. The Faceswap plugin is made to work with Python or Miniconda, etc... using the AI (tensorflow mostly) to build a new rendering. All they need is to build an iteration file, with as many pictures of the person they want, with the most angles and points of view possible. Thousands of pictures will be needed but it can be done with videos, by extractring frame by frame. So in the case of an ASMRtist it's really easy to get those data, even more than most people because of the nature of their work, you can easily find close up plan of the mouth, teeth, tongue, because they work with it. Then they will have to find a model with similar head shape, like, the jaw, chin, forehead, haircut, so... the more common your face is, the easier it is to find somebody. And the opposite is true, if your headshape is not typical, it will be harder to work with. Anyway, once this is done, all it take is to let the AI do the same data on the real model, and let the AI proceed to the faceswap. It take a lot of hours to get a good result we call this "training" then encoding. But once a person is completely trained, it will be easier and quicker to apply the face on other clip. They don't need permission, people can do that on anybody at anytime. They won't do offer they are just doing it. What Eunzel can do to protect herself is to make her face harder to scan, like, having a bang that cover the eyebrows or eyes sometimes, using different make up style on different videos. But honestly i don't think anybody can be safe from this, not if you are famous and exposed. The law should do something about this, that's the only way. This deepfake things remind me the VR, i like new tech, when the VR were released i jumped on it. It was amazing. And i know Eunzel enjoyed VR aswell when she tried it lol. But actually, VR tech is used at 90% for porn aswell... it's just a waste and sad. That's how people are, turning the good stuff into crap. None the less, the deep learning tech is really something to look forward, a deepfake is just a small part of the potential. I always loved sci-fi and my thought and dreams are always pointed at the horizon, so maybe that's why i like this kind of thing. To me, it's just a step toward the futur hehe. But maybe people are not ready for it yet, not mature enough. I just wanted to clarify what is it and how it's done. To help people understand it's more than just what those retarded persons are doing with it.


How is the justice in Korea compared to other country ? Maybe some people know more than me, this sentence seems very light to me... https://www.allkpop.com/article/2020/03/child-victims-as-young-as-9-years-old-reported-to-be-exploited-in-nth-telegram-room It's scary to think this guy might have been watching the same ASMR we love. 😱