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드디어 내일 오전 10시에 첫 키즈 동요 컨텐츠가 올라간다. 썸네일 어떤가요 귀엽나요?

은젤 부계정을 아직 구독하지 않았다면 초코캔디 동요동화 를 검색해서 구독을 하자구요.

내 인생 중 많은 시간을 아이들과 학생들을 가르치며 보냈는데 그 경험을 바탕으로 더 더 더 재미있고 도움이 되는 키즈 컨텐츠를 만들고 싶다. 키즈를 그리 사랑하지는 않지만 키즈 컨텐츠를 너무 사랑하는 키덜트 은젤이 앞으로도 꾸준히 제작할 수 있게 응원해주십쇼. 




The picture is really cute! Can't wait to see what you've been working on and I'm assuming this will be on your second YouTube channel? 😄


Choco Candy, my new 선생님 . 😅


The artwork is very cute! I'm already subscribed to your second channel so i'm looking forward to seeing what you've been cooking up (= working on) 😊🍫

Ronny [Rendition]

The only danger I see with this is that the children upstairs will keep playing your songs at high volume and singing along ㅋㅋ Also, does it mean the existing content of your secondary channel will be deleted? Some of it is definitely not suitable for kids...






Lol, the animation is cool. And i saw a JoJo in the clip ! He's such a VIP i'm jealous. Maybe a Kermit will appear someday in another episode. 🐸 Good Work ! https://youtu.be/mppD0t9C1jA


Sadly, a Kermit lives in the realm of copyrights laws :((

Ronny [Rendition]

I loved it, finally a Korean lesson at the right level for me. I even knew 3 of the words already. *yeay* And it really was the best decision to give your editor some more time, the production quality on this is excellent.