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늦게까지 일을 하는 날엔 어김없이 배가 고프다 ㅜㅜ 요며칠 잘먹었더니 살이 쪘기 때문에 야식 없이 물로 때웠다. 장해 장해...!

아침아 어서 와라 감자 고구마 구워 먹게...!!!



Being hungry at night is the worst 😫😫😫


Don't starve yourself lol Going to sleep while hungry is the worst feeling ever DD:


I know the feeling... 😣 Growling stomach: "Tummy needs more yummy!" 😛 Me: "Would you please stop?!" 😑

Ronny [Rendition]

An idea you can try next time: if you know you'll be working late, only eat half of the dinner at the usual time and drink an extra glass of water with that 1st half. Then eat the other half about 1-2 hours before going to bed. Not much extra water should be needed with the 2nd half. Yes, I know it takes a lot of self control to stop eating in the middle of dinner. ㅋㅋ But I'm sure you can do it, 화이팅!