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촬영을 너무 늦게까지 했어요. 내일 학창시절 이야기를 마무리할게요. 다들... 코로나를 조심해요. 부디!



늦은시간까지 고생많으셨습니다 은젤님도 코로나 조심하세요~~

Ronny [Rendition]

잘자요! So, do you wear a face mask when you go outside? Also make sure to wash hands often and maybe have a spray bottle of hand sanitizer and some paper towels in your purse to clean any suspicious surface that you may have to touch. And eat lots of apples (with skin) for vitamins. Corona is most dangerous to those with weak body's defenses, so make sure to strengthen yours :)


Yeah, be careful Eunzel & the Zellies. Luckily she doesn't go outside too much she is a "chilling inside" kind of a person. :D Does Germany has infected people aswell Ronny ?

Ronny [Rendition]

One false alarm on Saturday, first confirmed case yesterday, several more suspects today (still unconfirmed). Any more than the weekend's 3 cases in France? But with all due caution, I think the most important thing is to not panic. Panic is a bad advisor, thinking clearly is what helps prevent an infection. Wash hands often, don't shake hands with people and most importantly, don't touch any mucous membranes with your hands. Actually, most face masks won't protect you 100% from airborne virus (if an infected person sneezes near you), but by far the most infections travel via this route: infected person's mouth/nose - their hands - some surface - your hands - your mouth/nose. Especially during the most dangerous time (up to 14 days incubation period), when there are no symptoms yet to trigger a quarantine of an infected person (but the person is already contagious), 100% of all contagions travel by this path. The reason for this is that we unconsciously touch our face several times each day (scratching nose etc.) So the true reason to wear a face make is to prevent this unconscious touching of the mouth or nose with your hands, this is what actually prevents the majority of infections.


Stay safe 😰


There were false alarms here in Sweden. But we're taking precautions in case the virus gets here. Be safe out there, Eunzel and everyone. 🙏