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컴퓨터가 자꾸 정지한다. 오늘 일기가 두번이나 날아갔다 ㅜㅜ 분명 그래픽카드 좋은걸로 바꿔달라고 4k 동영상 편집에도 지장없이 해달라고 했건만... 그런것 관계 없이 컴퓨터를 하루 종일 써서 열이 받으면 불가피한 증상일까? 오늘 거의 종일 작업하긴 했는데... 영상을 랜더링하거나 업로드할 때 팬이 요란하게 돌아가며 멈추고 편집할 때도 엄청나게 버벅인다. 금액 상관 없이 좋은걸로 달아달라고 했는데 이게 대체 어떻게 된 일인지...! 본체 바디의 문제인가? 쿨링이 더 잘되는 바디가 있는건가? 아으흑흑





Can you give us the specs of your computer ? Processor, graphics card, ram, etc... Did the fans were still working when it turned itself off ? It may be an over heat shutdown.

Ronny [Rendition]

Wait, so you didn't get a new PC but only the graphics card is new? As Tenshi said, we need more info, otherwise it's just poking around in the dark. It can be many things, including: -mainboard or power supply unable to provide enough power to the new graphics card -dust in the CPU cooler/CPU fan/power supply fan -bad fan (fan speed measuring failing) When writing the diary, the PC should be idling (unless you're rendering a video in the background). So when does it usually crash, under full load or when idling? Under full load > check for dust, check new graphics card power requirement vs. power supply and mainboard spec. When idling > probably a problem with an aged fan and a too low minimum fan speed setting. Of course it could be other things as well, like the CPU or memory becoming faulty slowly. Often times it's even a simple thing like a capacitor on the mainboard that is part of the voltage regulation circuitry. The capacitor changes capacity due to aging, the voltage regulation creates wrong voltages, things start to fail. It's a creeping process that gets worse and worse over time. In an attempt to make you buy new stuff sooner, many manufacturers use cheap parts on purpose (planned obsolescence). How old is all this stuff?


You said everything ^^. Also The GPU has it's own fan so, she need to double check wich one she can hear. To make sure. Anyway this place is full of geek and nerds right ? I'm sure we can figure this out haha. 👌


It could be as simple as one of the fans being broken but diagnosing PC problems through text is not the best thing lol it would be better if you can have someone who knows about it look at it and see what's wrong


Without changing the computer, here is what I thought might help: 1. Doing less or zero multi-tasking, so instead doing everything in a series of separate steps while saving the work to hdd/ssd and restarting the computer in between each step - for example, save the finished editing project to hdd/ssd and then reboot computer to clear the limited RAM active memory before trying the rendering step 2. If possible try use separate machines for doing multi-tasking? Uploading to youtube is only file transfer that really only depends on internet speed, so copying the file to a different computer 1st and then uploading from there could help with not putting too much extra load on an overloaded computer using too much processing power / RAM at the same time? 3. If the fan / cooling is stopping completely and not starting at all again when it's getting hot in there, maybe just try replacing the fan / cooling first? :/

Ronny [Rendition]

You're right, it's hard to do remote diagnosis. We can only check the basics. But if I hear some top notch GPU model and I also hear 400W power supply or I hear over 5 year old mainboard, then I don't need to sit in front of the thing to know what the problem is.^^ Of course, if the specs don't show any obvious problems, there will be no way other than Eunzel taking the thing to a computer repair shop (luckily she got a car). And then, the people in the shop are probably going to ask her questions like When does it ususally crash?, Since when did it start (before or after changing graphics card)? etc. So it can't hurt if Eunzel is prepared to answer these questions. :)