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하루가 너무 짧다. 부지런히 지내려고 마음 먹은 날이면 시간이 더 빨리 간다. 결과물이 나오지 않으면 내가 일을 했는지 휴식을 취했는지 사람들은 알 수 없기 때문에 최대한 빨리 이런 저런 결과물을 내놓고 싶은데 그게 맘처럼 쉽게 되지는 않아 또 조바심이 난다. 잠을 자고 싶은 만큼 많이 자는 건 언제쯤 과감하게 포기하려나? ㅎㅎ 먹는 시간, 잠자는 시간이 너무 좋아서 큰일이야..! 



Lol, Eunzel <3 This girl... She once talked about working on a second and third youtube chanel, writing a children's book, life's too short my dear, we better stay focused on our dreams and fight for it. :P There is a new year coming up, and new resolution for everyone ! I know i will work on mine. :D You said Eunzel season 1 was ear eating and season 2 was mostly the Edible prank series. Can't wait for Eunzel season 3 !


日が沈むのが早いせいもあって、1日がとても短く感じますね。 焦りは禁物ですよ!!確実に結果を出していきましょ^^

Ronny [Rendition]

I totally agree with the Zellies before me. Days are short in winter and focussing is important. Wanting to see results at the end of the day is human nature, but so is sleeping and eating. So don't burn yourself out and take breaks. :) If it helps you feel a daily sense of accomplishment, you could try the life-hack of keeping a diary of "Things I accomplished today". You could add it to your diary posts here, or (if it would spoil any surprises) keep it privately as a self-motivation. Include anything, even seemingly small things like cooking yourself a delicious meal, taking an extra long walk with Jojo etc. If you really write down each detail, you'll soon see how much you actually accomplish each day. Most importantly, think positively: focus on the things you DID accomplish, not on the ones you had to postpone. And if you realize you keep postponing important things, it's time to make a to-do list with priorities assigned to the tasks. Even though making such list takes some time in itself, it will help you identify important things and getting them done in time. In the long run this will save you time you wasted on unimportant stuff before. In a way, try thinking of time as an investment - sometimes you need to spend some of it, and it will help you save a lot of it later.


I actually love the shorter days because I love night time. I'm always up until 2 or 3 am so I like the extra night hours we get in winter. I always end up having something hot to drink and something to watch either on YouTube or Netflix but that's probably not that helpful for you since you want to be productive and not a lazy person like me 😂


Haha. I was wondering, how many hours of sleep do you guys need to be fully functional and productive during the day ? I guess, most of the Zellies here have a hardtime to sleep, i mean... HAD, of course with Eunzel's magic we can sleep better.


Sometimes she joke about being a super lazy girl, but actually when i try to picture myself doing her job, i think... well no, I AM SURE i would be terrible at it. I'm such a master in the art of procrastinate things, if i don't have obligations or schedule, omg, it better be something i love or else, i wont do anything. Also, making videos is only one aspect of the job so, i can't imagine how many email and message she have to read all the time lol. And all the weirdos she has to deal with, i mean, even weirder than us ㅋㅋㅋㅋ. It could be fun to trade our lives for like 3 days, like, we wake up someday as a famous youtuber. And she get to do our job and live our lives too haha. That would be fun.