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오늘은 여러모로 허탈하고 허무하다. 몇일 내내 편집한 영상을 추출하는 과정에서 갑자기 외장 하드와의 동기화 오류가 생기면서 오디오 파일이 읽히지 않게 되었다. 즉 영상에 소리가 나질 않는다. 편집이 엄청나게 많이 된 상태이기 때문에 다시 하려면 시간이 상당히 오래 걸릴텐데 이걸 언제 또 다시 하나 싶어 마음이 답답하다. 문제가 생기기 전에 컴퓨터를 진작 바꾸었으면 좋았을텐데 그렇다고 어떻게 예고증상 하나 없이 이렇게 맛이 가버리나. 후...

거기다 또 한명의 스타가 스스로 생을 마감했다는 기사도 보았다. 사실 그녀는 예전에도 자살 시도로 병원에 실려갔었다는 루머가 있기도 했었다. 전혀 일면식도 없는 내가 보기에도 너무 아슬아슬 위태해보였던 그녀였는데 결국 이런 슬픈 선택을 했다니 마음이 아프다. 

여러모로 마음 아프고 허무한 하루네. 보슬비가 처량하게 내린다.



動画に音がなくても僕は見ます!w それにしても編集したのにエラーか…ㅠㅠ


어쩐지.. 오늘은 영상이 올라올것같았는데 ㅠ


한시간동안 컴퓨터 재시작 한 덕분에 기적이 일어나서 업로드 가능해보입니다 하아... 내일 컴퓨터 수리하러 가야지


Sucks to hear about another person taking their life, I hope the industry can change soon


I think it's not only the industry but the society itself. We get to see K-pop idols because they are famous but actually it is the country with the highest suicide rate in the world. 😕 Of course the more famous you become, the more hateful netizen you get. Not only in the entertainement industry, hell just reading some comments on Eunzel's youtube make me furious sometimes... But in Hara's case i think there is more to it, mainly her Ex BF apparently made her go through hell. Abuse, violence, threat of ending her career with a sex tape... Like Eunzel said, Hara attempted suicide already like 5 months ago. Losing her best friend Sulli must have been too much. But i don't understand why she was left on her own in such difficult moments. Everytime i read things like this... they are so famous and yet, it seems they are the most lonely of us. We can expect for someone like this to have friends all around all the time, but no. And trash people are always sorry when it's too late. This kind of behaviour make me sick. Some random internet warriors spend their days to spit their hate on who ever they can. Anyway, i hope Eunzel's computer can live a little longer. 2019 is sad enough as it is... ^^ By the way, Eunzel there is something new for you ! https://youtu.be/kNlhcLYcr2I Eunja 2.0 !!!!!!

Ronny [Rendition]

Oh no, not again, not this soon ㅜㅜ. At least there is some good news about being able to save the video. How many restarts did it take before it worked again? If it's only 1, it may not be broken after all. With Windows 10, when you tell it to shut down, it actually only enters some kind of standby mode. It's supposed to make it start faster, but it leads to problems with external drives or other USB dsvices from time to time. This is why I disabled this Quick Start feature. I'd rather wait a minute for it to boot than losing data.


@Sen, well said. Well said. It's really sad when these things happen and the arrogance of some keyboard warriors makes feel gross. Sulli was a strong advocate for change and not always forming to convention (pushing for rights). Hopefully we'll grow as a society in the future.