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I failed my driver’s liscense test. I’m soooooo depressed sob sob...




Oh I'm sorry! 😰😢 How long until you can retake it?


落ちたんかーいㅠㅠ 次は絶対受かる!!!


For what it's worth, the first time I took my drivers test in America, I failed it too. Take this time to learn from our mistakes and next time you will do better!.


은젤 할 수 있어~ 다시 시작 하면 되!! 힘내!!!

Anthony (aka Joe Cool)

I once read a study that showed people who played Mario Kart are better drivers than people who don't. Just play a crap ton of Mario Kart before you take your driver's test again, I'm sure you'll pass it next time. Joking aside, I believe you'll pass your driver's test eventually. If my dumbass can get my driver's license, I'm sure you can.


I failed my first time too girl, it's ok. Try again and pretend that fail never happened. Fighting!


I know it sucks, right. But don't let that bring you down, it's really not that serious :) You will always have another shot. Get up, dust it off and try again. You can do it!

Ronny [Rendition]

Don't feel bad, it happens a lot. Usually it's not lack of knowledge but just nervousness. Driving tests are like a lot of things in life: the first time is the hardest, it only gets easier. You can do this!


It's good to learn from the experience, remember what went wrong and not to do it in the real world. Next time you can do it for sure!




Awwwww. (Is your instructor still alive ? No kung fu ? ^^ ) I wish we could do something to cheer you up... Turn this sadness and disappointment into fighting will, for the next time, don't give up ! "Why do we fall ? So we can learn to pick ourselves up !" - Thomas Wayne, Batman's father.


ㅎㅎㅎ Are you nervous? Take it easy~