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용기를 내 유튜브 공지를 썼다. 앞으로 한달간은 유튜브를 말 그대로 ‘재미’ 로 운영해보려 한다. 업로드를 하지 않겠다는 게 아니라 처음 그 마음처럼 내가 올리고 싶은 영상을 올리고 싶을 때 업로드 할 예정이다. 오랜 시간 혼자 일해오면서 한계를 느끼고 있다. 그래서 앞으로 한달동안 지금의 직원 친구와 협업의 비중을 늘릴 수 있는 방법도 최선을 다해 찾을 생각이다. 사는 지역이 달라 아직은 더 많은 부분을 함께할 순 없지만 어떻게든 찾을 것이다. 사람은 역시 함께해야 한다.

한달 동안은 운전 연습을 할겸 최대한 우리 나라 구석 구석 돌아다녀보려 한다. 한국에 살지만 못가본 곳이 가본 곳과 비교도 안되게 많다. 심지어 사는 동네 지리도 모를 만큼, 학생때는 집 학교 집, 지금은 집 집 집, 집순이 인생을 살아 왔다. 이제 차를 타고 여기 저기 놀러다니며 새로운 자극을 얻을 수도 있지 않을까? 여건이 되면 해외 여행도 다녀오면 좋겠지만 그건 일단은 희망 사항으로만 두었다. 어찌됐든 밖으로 나가고 사람을 만날 때가 바로 지금이다.



캠핑의 맛에 눈을 뜨나요~


固定アップロードが無くなるということは、また通知から目が離せなくなりますねw これからは仲間と協力して頑張ってください!!!


That sounds amazing and a lot of fun lol enjoy all the food around the country too 🤤


I've noticed that, i tried to talk to you about it because, i've been there, i know... well i hope you can rest your mind and find back your motivation and inspiration, even more importantly, the pleasure and love/fun of doing videos ! Also i hope your income are alright, i guess, buying a car cost a bit and you might need income now more than ever, i don't know. Your streaming suffered from it aswell, getting from 2 days a week from 1 or 0. So, please let us know here, when you are going live ^^, because it's so early for me, from now on i will do my best to join but only if i'm sure you are going to stream. It's always a pleasure to spend some time with you guys, listening to your amazing cover or f cked up dancing reaction haha, it can give me all the energy that i need to have a good week ! But, waking up and wait for nothing does the exact opposite for me, it feel like crap :/ so it's better this way i think, I hope it's not making you upset, sorry if i did. :( It's not my intention, like i said, i understand, i just think it's better this way for everyone, since you are going back to free mode. Take care <3

Ronny [Rendition]

I never thought of you as a 집순이 person, but if you want to go out more, autumn is the perfect season. It's not too hot anymore so you don't break into sweat after hiking for 5 minutes and the colourful leaves are all around. I hope you will meet a lot of friendly and interesting people on your journeys.

Ronny [Rendition]

I understand what you mean. The original stream schedule (11am KST) means getting up 4am or even 3am (once daylight saving time ends) for Europeans. I always admired your persistence to actually do that. I mean, I like Eunzel and love her streams, but not enough to get up at 4am. Even though recent streams took place at a later time, I'm sure it's frustrating to get up at 4am just to find there is no stream. So Eunzel, can you please make it a habit to add a notice to Friday's and Saturday's diary posts whether or not (and when) there will be a stream on Sat/Sun, respectively? Of course there can always be a short-term change of plans when something gets in your way, but a 90% reliable notice would be great :) Please don't take this harshly, this is not about weekends like the one before Chuseok (where you announced a stream but couldn't make it after all) - that can always happen. This is about situations like the most recent weekend, when there was no notice at all. Or can you confirm that no notice means: definitely no stream?