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추석 후유증? 

무엇에 의한 후유증인지도 모르겠는 채로 일이 잘 손에 잡히질 않는다. 여러가지 이유와 사건들이 있었긴 하지만 그런 것들을 이겨내고 꾸준히 하는 사람들도 많은데 말이야. 일주일에 최소 하나라도 영상을 올리지 않으면 쥐도 새로 모르게 잊혀질 것임을 알기에 아예 놓지도 못한 채, 마음껏 쉬는 것도 마음껏 노는 것도 아닌 애매한 시간을 꽤나 오래 보내고 있고 이 점이 개인적으로 못마땅하다. 운전 면허를 따기로 했던 것은 그런 면에서는 최선의 선택이었다. 면허를 따고 차를 구매하고 운전을 연습한다는 명분은 번아웃과 매너리즘을 정당화하는 완벽한 역할을 해주고 있다. 그래, 나는 꽤 오래 게으름을 피우고 늘어져 있지만, 이 시간이 끝났을 때 '뚜벅이'에서 '드라이버'로 '레벨업!' 해 있을 테니까. 완벽하게 생산적인 시간을 보내진 못했어도 적어도 면허증을 하나 땄으니 괜찮은 것이야. 그나저나 일기를 쓰기 시작한 후로 이 공간에 내가 너무 '약한' 모습만 늘어놓는 것이 아닌가 싶어 걱정스러울 때가 있다. 상대방의 나약한 마음을 보는 것이 누군가에게는 피로가 될 수도 있을텐데. 좋은 이야기 멋진 일들로 함께 기뻐할 수 있으면 좋을텐데. 그치만... 여기도 아니면 난 정말 털어놓을 곳이 없는 걸. 내가 더 멋진 사람이면 좋았을텐데.

읽고 싶은 책이라든지 배우고 싶은 새로운 분야라든지, 새로운 것들이 눈에 들어오는 걸 보면 '역마살'이 단단히 끼인 운명인 듯 하다. 힘내서 바짝 일을 하고, 시간을 내어 여행을 가서 뒹굴거리며 책을 읽는 하루를 보내는 상상을 해본다. 일년에 한 번은 해외여행을 가는 것이 목표였고, 작년에도 이렇게 미루고 미루다 10월에 대만을 다녀왔었더랬다. 짧은 여정이었지만 너무나 즐거웠고 배운 점도 얻은 친구도 있었다. 

올해도 올해가 가기 전에 그만 찡찡거릴 수 있게, 제대로 털어버릴 수 있는 여행을 계획해봐야 할까? 지금까지는 일본, 대만, 시드니 를 다녀왔었는데 이번에는 어디가 부담 없이 가볍게 다녀오기 좋을까..?



It's only natural when you do many things the same time, that your mind starts to wander and you lose the momentum. Then it's either a good time to focus on just one thing at a time and put aside the other task until you finish the first. Or then take a break and go travel. I can't recommend enough Singapore for a travel destination :)


連休明けの仕事は辛いよ… 海外旅行も是非日本に来てって言いたいけど、今は厳しいねw でも、ぼくはいつでも歓迎しますよ!


You have quite a few things that you're focusing on and I feel like it's natural that you pay more attention to one thing. Our minds really aren't good at real multitasking, we tend to focus on one thing a bit more than the others. As for the diary, it's always scary to show people how you're feeling and I imagine it's even more terrifying when it's open to anyone that has access to your feed on Patreon but I think it's also a good way to vent out your feelings without having to worry about facing the people you vent to. It's scarier when you have to see the people you're telling your problems to, at least in my opinion. I think the best way to look at these posts is as a way to see your growth, you'll be able to come back and read them and see how you've grown as a person and how something that you thought was a big problem, maybe wasn't as big as you thought. At the end of the day we all just want to see you happy and we appreciate the work you put into helping us with your videos. And for the travel destination..... my vote is on Hawaii, it's really nice out there and the people are super nice. I highly recommend going out there sometime. 😊


Your diary is made of up and down, just like life. ^^ Sometimes you talk about food or fruit, and sound so passionate about the little things it's funny lol, sometimes you have something else on your mind. But it's not all bad, i enjoy reading it, you start a topic then we can read everyone's thinking. About the video, i know another ASMRtist who didn't released anything since 4 months because she misses a sound editing guy in her staff team lol. And can't keep her Patreon page alive... 3 posts or something in 2 years lol, i wont even mention the rewards... So i think you are still doing ok, considering you are doing everything by yourself ! I'm still working on my script, but if you need content, you have an Eiffel Tower to build !!! Show us your skills :P I don't know about travel, there is a lot of fantastics country. But it take time, like atleast two weeks if you wnna enjoy it properly.


여기 은젤님의 나약한 스토리일기 아니였나요?🤔

Ronny [Rendition]

It's perfectly understandable that getting a driver's license takes a lot of time, so obviously there is less time for other things. It has nothing to do with slacking off and it isn't even an excuse, it's merely a fact. There are only 24 hours in a day. Also I don't think your diary posts are all negative, they just show the range of your thoughts in all different directions. I think it is actually good for mental wellbeing to have a place to let these things out, because welling up feelings and emotions for too long is never a good idea. And the advantage of this place over a secret personal diary is that here we can give you feedback, new ideas and point out different points of view on the matter.