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정말 아주 가끔은, 직장인이었다면 어땠을까 하는 생각을 할 때가 있다. 이내 금새 “난 못했을 거야”라고 생각하며 현실에 만족하려 하다가도, 어쩌면 나름 잘 적응하며 지금과는 완전히 다른 모습으로 잘 살고 있지 않았을까 궁금하기도 하다. 평행우주 속 직장인 나의 삶은 어떨까. 지금의 나보다 덜 예민할까? 지금의 나보다 친구가 많을까? 채식을 하고 있을까? 술을 좋아하게 되었을까?

팩트: 취준 때 다 떨어졌었음



i think it's normal to wonder what a different you would be like but i think it's best we don't hold on to those thoughts too much because it can make us feel worse if we're not feeling well to begin with.

Ronny [Rendition]

Wow, parallel universes, now we're getting philosophical. As an office worker you spend about as much waking time with your office colleagues as you would spend with your partner, about 8h each day. So you have a lot of contact with people and maybe make friends with them, but then again you can't choose your colleagues. The good part about being employed is the usually constant income, which is more foreseeable than YT monthly ad revenue. But I think with Patreon you also have a relatively constant monthly base income as a freelancer? For becoming a vegetarian or drinking alcohol, it depends on a lot of factors I think, the job not being the most important one. Sure you will collect some opinions from coworkers and join them for lunch and maybe go to a bar sometimes on evenings, but would that really change your likings enough to make a difference?




But... who want to live in a universe without the Eunzel we know ? If you are not Eunzel anymore, we can't be Zellies anymore. That would suck for us tssss. Every Zellies here, found you, at some point, and decided to stay around. Why is that ? It's simple, you touched our lives and made it better. And for this we are grateful. Could you have done that much good around you, if you were a regular worker ? Would you still be that special ? With an interesting way of seeing the world and understanding things around you. I think, the path you have taken, made you a better person than, what the most of us are used to. Not a perfect person of course, there is no such things, but a beautiful soul, inside. The real question you should ask is, does the regular worker Eunbi would think about you or any of this right now ? 🧘‍♀️

Ronny [Rendition]

Very well said! Eunzel, you should print this out and hang it over your bed so you see it every morning as a motivation. I just hope that tonight I won't have a nightmare about a world without Eunzel, a horrible thought >_<


Sensitivity is not a weakness, it's a treasure. And it must be protected by the people who are less sensitive and feel less. Some of us can't feel as much as you do, cold hearted people can do things others can't, terrible things, violent things, without fear or remorse. But i believe, some of us are this way so we can protect those special person, they are the one who can take humanity higher, make us better. I believe most people are right in the middle of these two extreme. But some person are completely on one side, those who can't feel, desire it. And those who are too sensitive, wishes they could be stronger emotionaly. So they wont be as much affected by everything. I believe, in a society, we need the 3 types. It's a matter of survival and evolving. See ? Philosophy amongs Zellies, started from your diary. :P That's the proof, people like you are importants ! One day, you will stop and maybe open your Vegan Cafe or be a writer, but for now, you are welcome to remain Eunzel ! We still need you to be the way you are. 🥔🍉😋

Ronny [Rendition]

Actually I hope that Eunzel will never stop doing ASMR. There could be videos about preparing nice sweets to be served in the Cafe (and of course trying them for mouth sounds) or whispered book readings or sounds of writing (typing on a keyboard while nibbling on a pen). Those would be relaxing and good advertisment for the business at the same time. Imagine if the audio book was whispered or contains singing :) Also, Eunzel, before you decide which musical actor to marry, please check with the candidates if they are okay with you continuing to do ASMR ^^