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I'm making this PDF available to you a little early, because the video covering this portion of Storm King's Thunder isn't out yet and I want you to have something exciting for your next session. (If you're wondering why the video isn't out, it's because I haven't been able to speak properly for a month, but I'm hoping a few more weeks resting my voice will fix me up so I can film!)

Thanks for a rad year :) I'm very excited to get stuck into making more D&D stuff in January. But until then: happy holidays and merry new year!

The Forge of Primordial Fire is a legend whispered between smiths, tinkerers, and those of a magical persuasion. While the stories drip with envy, the few survivors who have seen the workings of the forge are quick to caution others from wandering too close into fire giant territory. The forge’s ancient arcane construction allows it to convert the rage of elemental fire into amazing creations of magical and engineering wonder. To use such an intricate relic requires the patience of a smith, the strength of a fire giant, and the eye of an engineer.


  • Rules for using a fire giant forge
  • Nine craftable magic items
  • Eight custom blueprints handouts written in giant runes
  • Eight custom blueprints handouts translated to english

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Hey Matty, thank you for this! Maybe the english blueprints contain the same files as the runes? Best and a merry new year (trading places reference 😎)

Tom Elvinger

Hi Matt! Try sterculia seeds for your voice. They're called Pang Da Hai in Chinese. They're used in traditional Chinese médecine for voice loss and hoarseness and are very easy to use. Just pour hot water on 3-5 seeds. Let them be for 10 minutes. Then drink the water and eat the seeds that have opened up ( they become a bit jelly like when they open up but the taste is quite neutral so no big problem there). Hope you can find them in your area.