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Hello! Now that this SKT Chapter 4 video has been released, this PDF comes out of Early Access and is now available to you. Thank you!

An ancient civilization, but with advanced challenges... Puzzles generally kind of suck, but they shouldn’t! When you need a brain break or an activity to shake up the session’s pace, puzzles and riddles are good tools to reach for, even if they feel anachronistic, belonging to an old-school tradition which doesn’t apply to modern games. The issue I personally have is how divorced these challenges are from the themes of the dungeon and the mechanics of the game, but that’s something I want to explore with this first foray into the puzzleverse: puzzles for giants!

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Demian Bucay

Hi Matt! so great that you are continuing with skt!! your advice is always so helpful. I run a first session of chapter 2 and should be running a second session next week. For chapter 3 I was thinking of , instead of let them wander aimlessly through the sword cost, make de PCs search for, lets say, 3 relics (wich ever they want to persue or end up finding) before they go the oracle, in that way they can have some of the interesting encounter you describe in the montage dungeon but with an underlying purpose for doing so... What do you think of this idea? any further advice on it?

Jonas Berggren

Hi Demian, did you run ch3 as you suggested? How did that go if so? I am about to run ch3 now during the x-mas holidays and have decided to run with Matthews story cards. It will be fun to see if I succes or fail. The old gang doesnt like to much of changes from how we played in the 90-ies. :) But I have had some ideas to have a GM-stat called "fame" to keep track of. I am thinking that as the group wanders around their fame will grow and this will affect how some of the scenarios will be treaed. But for now it is just thoughts (i.e. I mention it here and hopes it will bring up some already made-up "fame-system" :) ).