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Here it is: I will refund anyone for any reason; no questions asked.


My only goal is to make sure your players have a rad time — I want them to think you're the best Dungeon Master ever. But when monetising this goal, fairness is important to me, which is why I am transparent about my earnings every year, and it's why I've structured this Patreon to provide overwhelming value.

That means Silver Patrons have access to 35 PDFs, and Gold Patrons+ have access to an extra 7 PDFs. But it would genuinely break my heart if someone came away from this community thinking, "I got ripped off." So I would rather refund a community member than lose their confidence.

But besides that: we're all in different financial landscapes, and a dollar has different value to each of us. So if a community member is experiencing financial hardship, I don't want to contribute to their strife and I'd rather refund them.

If you're able to support my work for multiple months — thank you.

If you're able to support my work for only a single month — thank you.

That's about it! Hopefully that all makes sense :)

How to get a refund

  • To apply for a refund, send me a private message on Patreon — don't just leave a comment on this post.
  • Please specify in your message how many months you want refunded.
  • Patreon as a platform only lets me refund transactions from the last 90 days.
  • Patreon as a platform doesn't let me refund any annual memberships.
  • Allow up to 10 days for the refund to process.


Chuck Knighton

You’ve made our DOSI one of the most fun campaigns we’ve run to this date. Your D&D material is pure DM gold. Thanks for sharing your creativity!


Thanks you , truly for that !