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Felix, drunk off wine coolers at 10am: Hullo there my lil ducky <3

Baby Perry: who the FUCK are you




Baby perri is adorable

Must Love Frogs

You'd be amazed what I don't know about parenting and also booze. I know for sure that you can't be high in the presence of a child; you will go directly to that Siberian gulag in Ivan Denisovich. Is it common and generally off-hand acceptable for drunk people to be around kids? My grandparents owned a bar and we youngsters were constantly around adults who were drinking. I kinda felt like this wasn't quite kosher, but I could just be a prude.


I would say that one should not do drugs around children….alcohol is a drug. Sure, perhaps it’s harmless for kids to see their parents have a glass of wine with dinner, or get a little buzzed on holidays, but watching grown folk drink themselves into blacking out/vomiting/fighting is absolutely gonna have detrimental effects on children. Children require stability to develop, and alcohol can threaten that. Perry is making an uncomfortable face because Felix smells like he’s gone swimming in cheap liquor and blown himself dry with cigarette smoke. Felix is clumsy and reckless when drunk, which puts Perry in harm’s way.