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*kicks down door* been WAY too long since I gave y’all another PROBLEMATIC MILF

This is Gigi’s mother, Missy. It’s short for Millicent, a name so ghastly grandma-sounding that Missy would rather fling herself off a cliff than let anybody call her by it. Missy is a poodle. Missy once got in a fistfight in a kmart parking lot. Missy smokes a pack a day. Missy has been on a diet since the 80s. The concept of an “indoor voice” is entirely unknown to Missy. Missy likes to seduce her pool boys. And repair men. And gardener. Missy has no fear of Gio, and divorced him because he was “a lazy fat philandering cheapskate”. During their divorce proceedings, Missy traded custody of Gigi for lifelong alimony payments. Missy owns a perfume business that is definitely not a multi-level marketing scam. Missy comments negatively on her body frequently because she enjoys fishing for compliments. Missy also comments negatively on Gigi’s body a lot. In fact, around 60% of Missy’s sentences to Gigi are veiled criticism. Missy never wanted to be a mother and prefers to be her daughter’s hip young best friend instead. Many of Gigi’s personal issues are owed to Missy. Gal pals forever~💗

Missy is inspired by many of the kooky old ladies I’ve met in South Florida, including my fourth grade teacher, who once drank eight cans of pepsi across one school day.




Oh...she's awful. She's vile. She's perfect. 🥺


Gigi's mother is a shock to me because she is like an ehmm let's say a disastrously not good version of my mom, because I love my mom okay, but my mom is an extroverted Latina who loves to dance, wears bright colors, kinda hip clothes? (Its that the world in english? Clothes that may look for young people but are actually in fashion for the older than still want to look chic? ), loves bright things, very feminine, loves to wear makeup, clothes, look at stores, has no internal voice, does not take shit of anybody, loud and often says very shocking things without bad intentions but OH MY GOD mom please read the room😱, somewhat controlling especially with housework and cooking, very very bad mouth like a lot of curse words but that is normal for Latina moms (the toxic ones are another story), the energy of a small dog that compensates for its size with its big attitude but it is scary when you insult it, etc. Like this outfit, I can see my mom wearing it to a retro party, of course without showing her belly, my mom is a little insecure in that area and I'm like "mommy, you had two f$cking huge kids, and you're in your 50s, it's normal to have a little belly, I think you look good". Even so, she is totally the opposite of Missy, I don't know why but if Missy existed in the real world and knew my mom they would be friends in 5 minutes but as soon as this lady starts with her "problematic" behavior my mom would give her the terrible "look" and If she heard Missy make a comment about Gigi's body, her own daughter, she would give her a terrifying scolding/threat and tell Gigi sweet words of maternal love, or worse if Missy talked about me (I'm also chubby, not very feminine) they would have have to call the police or animal control because my mother would be beating her like a drum, screaming and cursing with words that only God knows exist (I'm Chilean, so we have an extensive vocabulary dedicated to obscenities 😆) And believe me, my mother would do it. I have seen intimidating 190cm men with just their eyes and voice because they believe that because she is a hospitable 155cm housewife they can be rude to her, she almost punch with her broom 3 neighbors who were talking shit about our family and they got scared off their pants I have to carried her to the house, she was this close of kicked the ass of the toxic ex of one of my uncles again someone stop her and my favorite when she almost ripped off street harassers' faces with her screams and purse on 3 occasions, the almost was because they run away, especially 2 of those were dirty old men who were being pigs to a little big girl of 10 and 15 years old, that was me, and if it weren't for my mother I don't know what I would have done, she didn't care about "making a scene" or being "called a crazy bitch". It's true that she drives me crazy many times, we fight, we say things loudly and we make up, she's noisy, she still doesn't know what personal space is... But my mom is 100% real, always by your side if you need her, when I had my emotional and mental collapse that I couldn't even eat, dress or bathe by myself because of how weak I was she did it for me, when I cried at night she hugged me, when my anxiety is too much she calms me down, when I doubt myself she is the first by my side, when my lesbian classmate didn't have anyone from her horrible family at her graduation, my parents offered her a place at our table to celebrate with us, my mom dried her tears and my dad give her a graduation gift, even though they had their doubts about Queer people, she saw a girl who needed a mother and my dad saw a hardworking soul that needed to be celebrate too, she took care of how many sick relatives when no one else could after my dad's family treated her like a plague her entire life, even after my dad told her that this was not her responsibility but she still did it, because they were sick people in need. She is imperfectly chaotic, she is a lot and I love her. As always I am impressed by your ability to create characters that I feel compassion for but not justified, and some that are horrible because sometimes people can have the most normal life but they are still horrible because they refuse to change or accept their mistakes because their pride is his Gospel. And that they are women, queer, different social classes, etc. is admirable, I feel like people don't dare to create problematic/abusive/bad characters that aren't cisgender/straight men for fear of being called bigots and let's honestly be the average fanbase is never happy and will find the most ridiculous things to hate, because a character is their personality first than everything else, they are more than their gender, sexuality, disability, money, race, ethnicity, that affects of course, but there is much more... Of course in the other hand, there is the other obvious big problem that we all know, you know, not giving the creators of those groups the opportunity to write their own stories, because who wants to see that, right? 🙃(I'm being sarcastic of course XD)