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just some sketches, testing out a new direction for virgil’s character

so i’ve been kinda unhappy with virgil and his story for a while. It just feels flat and boring, and i think that comes from him being such a close expy of my old mlp character, chakra blossom. I’ve been writing/drawing Chakra for years, same old same old smarmy vaguely sinister asshole, and it’s just gotten kinda stale, y’know? A while ago i was sketching concepts for virgil’s (very absent) dad, and then i wondered why i was expending effort on a character who doesn’t really show up in the story proper, a character who was basically just a more interesting version of Virgil. So i decided to smush the two of them into one character.    Virgil 2.0!

He’s a work in progress, but so far he’s pretty fun to work with. Some things didn’t change, he still annoys his foster sister Savannah, he still does that involuntary spooky hyena “laugh” when excited about food. He’s still a paramedic. He can still be a smug little shit, and uhhhhh some of his interests are still kinda questionable. But! He’s no longer a big smarmy douchebag, he doesn’t antagonize people for fun anymore. He has a better relationship with Savannah, they’re still not the closest pair of siblings, but there’s a level of fondness and familiarity that pervades their interactions.




Is he still Sunny’s freaky ex? Either way I’d love to know more about the life and personality of this cackling yandere.


Have Gio and him ever slept together or has he just pined after powerful boss man?


He’s still Sunny’s ex, though I think Sunny might be a bit less passive in the implosion of their relationship this time around.


I’m not sure yet. Still deciding if I want Gio to behave purely in a mentor ly/fatherly way, or for the two of them to have a slight sexual subtext (in that they flirt with each other), or for it to be a full blown sexual relationship. Gio does strike me as the sort of man that would recognize Virgil’s want of a parental figure/queer interest in older men and capitalize on it, blending both familial affection/sexual intimacy into a dangling carrot to manipulate Virgil. Then you could have Virgil getting frustrated because their relationship begins fairly equal, with Virgil as Gio’s Number 2, or right-hand-man, but then the sheen wears off for both of them as Gio begins to lose interest in his new toy/Virgil begins to see Gio for what he really is. This isn’t to say their relationship cannot be interesting if I decide to make it purely platonic/familial, Gio is a warm, powerful, authoritative old dad and Virgil would bend over backwards to please him in any capacity, even just to get affectionate shoulder pats and Gio saying “good work”. Basically I’m still sorting out if Gio is the paternalistic Buck Strickland to Virgil’s Hank Hill, or the creepy Zircon to Virgil’s Onyx.

Morghann Patterson

You gave him the raptor arms, the deadpan sense of humor, the low empathy, and being into all sorts of weird shit…. Feels autistic to me!