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In which Honey’s disgust at the pot smoking and sinful pre-marital cuddling gets crushed by devastating jealousy




How does honey feel about recreational marijuana use (which is what I’m assuming mal is holding)?


I am literally SO fucking happy that we're seeing more of Mal, she's so fucking cool and I can't get over her design woman is so prebby!!! ;w; I'm really interested in what else she gets up to? Does she have a job? What's Toffee think of her? ...Can she also make me pancakes those looked so good in the last post


Honey thinks pot is an evil gateway drug and smoking it casually can only lead to degeneracy. She's HORRIFIED her own brother would dare partake in the devil's grass! Can you tell Honey was socialized by a bunch of old out-of-touch reactionaries? She's woefully uninformed about drugs and will probably soon be fretting about getting a "contact high" from having briefly been in the same room as these two hooligans. She's got the number for poison control on standby! >:O


I'm glad! :3 Mal has many jobs, she prefers gig work to being locked into any single, potentially unfulfilling career. She works for Zee as a stagehand and dancer at the local community theater, she sometimes works night security for the women's shelter, she coaches youth basketball during the summer, she runs a small catering business out of her kitchen, she performs tarot readings, she sells art at craft fairs, she sometimes performs alongside Topher at small scale music festivals and concerts. She also volunteers a LOT and has many hobbies. Toffee likes Mal quite a lot, considering she's a longtime member of his congregation and frequent volunteer within the church, be it serving up hot meals to the needy or even doing small repairs around the church. Toffee likes to remind Toph that a woman as incredible as Malika doesn't come around every day, and he'd be honored to officiate their wedding/commitment ceremony someday (this teasing always earns an unamused grumble from Topher, but a chuckle from Mal).


Regarding Honey not knowing that Topher is trans. I'm wondering does he have like. Top surgery scars? Would they be hidden under his fur? Or did he have keyhole surgery?


Originally I meant for the Fuzzbutts characters to be like, minimally humanoid. More like regular animals started walking around on two legs. This meant that, similarly to real life, the rule for mammal characters was that they shouldn't have prominent mammaries unless they were pregnant or nursing. This is why in my old drawings of Perry without a shirt, he has no top surgery scars. He simply wouldn't have needed top surgery at all. (You can also see in earlier art that female-presenting characters had flat chests like the males). But over time I got a bit better at human anatomy, so my fuzzy folk took on more humanoid proportions, and also I finally admitted to myself I like drawing boobs. So yes, Topher has top surgery scars. They're faded and slightly obscured by his fur and pectoral muscles, so it would be easy for Honey to miss them (can't imagine she'd be trying to get a solid look at her brother topless anyway, Honey's a massive prude about nudity). Or, if she did spot them, she wouldn't know what they were and might just assume they were some strange punk rock body mod, like tattoos or ear notching.



Oops. I’m so sorry, I accidentally deleted your comment. I’ll copy it here: “does honey not know topher is trans? id assume her dad would out topher to her unless he doesnt know shes seeing her brothers. speaking of brothers how does Merry feel about his golden daughter honey spending time with his two estranged queer sons?” Nope! I feel maybe I’m not illustrating the level to which Honey is sheltered and oblivious. She does not know Topher is trans. She doesn’t know Mal is trans, or Summer. Honey’s community put a very specific idea of what a transgender person is in Honey’s head- the old transphobic caricature of a “confused” hulking man in a flowery dress. But Topher, Mal, and Honey do not match this caricature. They are people, not concepts, with quirks and flaws, just like Honey. And so she takes them at their word. Honey is a small town girl, she’d probably walk into a room full of drag queens and think wow! So many tall, gorgeous ladies! I wonder why they’re dressed so ostentatiously? Are they going to a gala….? :3 Merry will not out Topher. Merry tries not to think about Topher. Make no mistake, Merry is spiteful and patronizing and would misgender Topher if he could get away with it. Problem is, he can’t. Topher presents as male. He’s had top surgery and has been taking testerone for years. Topher has broad shoulders and a scruffy face and a deep voice. If Merry were to call Topher his daughter, or try to deadname him, people would look at Merry like he’s going senile. Merry knows this, because he’s tried it before. It’s simply easier, and less “embarrassing” for Merry to insist he has two wayward sons, and has all along. Basically he’s so shitty he circled back to being accidentally supportive Merry doesn’t know Honey has reached out to her brothers, he spent a lot of her childhood shielding her from them. He would be unhappy to learn she’s been talking to Toffee, and outright furious if he knew she was talking to Topher. Probably enough to confront Topher and accuse him of trying to corrupt Honey and take away his “other daughter”. Merry’s normally too self-obsessed to cop to having a trans son (because he views this as a shameful stain on his own good name), but let me be clear, he absolutely WOULD try to out and misgender Topher as a means to hurt him and keep his precious Honey “safe”. :/


I keep instantly becoming endeared to all the unique characters you keep introducing to the cast. I love Mal and Topher's relationship and it seems like they'll always be important to each other...that cuddle looks amazing.