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"And then she had the audacity to call me a petty bitch! Me! So then I said, would a petty bitch push you off the side of this mountain? Anyway, uh......that's how the Canterlot Cat Burglar ended up in prison with two busted legs, just in case your agency was wondering what happened."

got a couple mild complaints about montezuma's design being too feminine, or that he should just be a girl. i then considered drawing him all buff and manly-manly having a spar with one of his minions (or Smoky).....but eh. Femininity, masculinity.....who cares. Gender's a performance. Montezuma likes make-up and pretty things and self-care, and it's not like women own these ideas. Feminine men are still men, one's gender identity is not undone simply because a person doesn't adhere to traditional gender norms. 

As a kid Monty was always well-groomed, but never allowed to be in control of his appearance. He had to be a perfect picture of a posh, civilized Equestrian youth, and that meant hair clipped short and neat, always dressed in a proper little boy's uniform. Monty hated this, hated being fussed over and paraded about, hated not even being allowed to choose the color of his bowtie. So as an adult, Monty dresses the way he wants to. Long hair and a pretty face feels like freedom, and he enjoys how his reflection no longer resembles the gloomy little boy from all those years ago. He spoils himself now, cuz hey, somebody's got to. And sometimes he can convince Smoky to do a little self-spoiling too.




Lop, this ship gives me life. Thank you!


OOOOHHHH HO HO MY GOODNESS, this is so cute.


Who's complaining? I just wanna talk 😤


We stan feminine men!!!


Some people really are just threatened by men that don't meet their rigid binary expectations. I find those kinds of people to be incredibly boring (and I'm sure Monty does as well). We love and appreciate feminine men and men that break the rigid masc gender mold in this house🤙🏼💕


FEMME MEN, MASC MEN, FEMME WOMEN, MASC WOMEN, ANY OTHER GENDER APPEARANCE: VALID AF. Also, I was having the worst night and then I saw this and I feel happy and at peace, thank you for the meal 😘🤌


Monte's current energy: https://images.app.goo.gl/C1TF5Jt2CGXah7z17


Also, headcanon: Phoenix tries not to let her frustration show when Smoky's skin suddenly gets clearer and smoother than hers. She doesn't really *care* about her appearance, and working in the grime and grit of a smithy isn't great for one's complexion. But it's somehow still maddening that his skin is practically *glowing* one day for no good reason. After one drunken night hanging out, Nix grabs Smoky's cheeks, squints, and demands to know how he keeps his skin so "CLEAR and SOFT, what the HELL MAN you're CONSTANTLY crawling through mud and garbage for missions" -- and Smokey gives a smirk before handing her an exfoliating mask that she REFUSES to admit works wonders on her skin. (She puts two and two together, and next time she sees Monte, she pretends she doesn't, and lets him think he snuck out of Smoky's bedroom window -- dramatic *bitch* -- without being noticed.)


Montezuma is honestly one of my favorite creations of yours. He's perfect as is.


Curious what PB thinks of Monty omg


I love Montezuma, LET HIM BE A PRETTY BOY


Oh pish tosh, don't listen to the haters. Montezuma doesn't have to look masculine or feminine, he just has to look like himself. He's sleek and stylish and sassy in any form, and that's why we (especially Smoky) love him!


ps. it's so cute that Monty is letting Smoky join his spa day. "Oh good heavens, Agent, you look horrendous! Your scales are flaking, your hair has split ends, and when was the last time you had a decent bath?" *grabs Smoky by the paw and leads him to the spa* "I have no patience for a foe who doesn't look his best for battle. I am Equestria's most skilled and clever thief, and you will show only your best side when you face me!"


*slams table* Pretty bois! Buff gurls!! Pretty and buff boys AND girls! Fuck your gender norms! Seriously wtf people 🙄 Monty is perfect as he is. Peebs looking drop dead gorgeous however he presents is my one of my favorite things. I gay whimper whenever you draw anthro/human Peachy or Nix. Whatever the fuck Pandora decides to do that day, you're doing amazing sweetie.

Melody Williamson

What did monty's beast form look like during his pony days?


i love how feminine he is, it ads someone new to your universe


Like himself, but he was probably made to wear a cute little bow tie or something, a little accessory to make him look less “threatening”. He was treated more like an exotic pet...his claws were constantly trimmed, he was often denied adequate companionship, and privacy was pretty much out of the question. Following the incident where he bit a pony, Daring and Cabelleron were in talks to have Monty’s venom glands surgically removed, and considered having him wear a muzzle when interacting with ponies, for liability purposes.

Melody Williamson

Ya I think it's cool representation to have a feminine guy who's (afaik) cis and not nonbinary


yyyyyyYYYYEEEEEESSSS!!! God these two are my comfort characters. I love them so much.