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colored that one doodle

i imagine Montezuma got all fancy to attend a posh gallery opening (to scout for stuff to steal). Smokescreen is covertly tailing him when a random new villain crashes the party, seizing a relic so that he may use it as a doomsday device. Smoky and Monty are forced to team up to evacuate the frightened party attendees, take down the cultist, and blow up the relic moments before it can trigger the apocalypse. Monte is pretty unhappy about 1.) having had to save the same pompous aristocrats he loathes, 2.) ruining his spiffy new suit, 3.) that stupid smug way Smoky is looking at him, and 4.) impulsively snogging his nemesis like a fairy tale damsel goddamnit better kick over a fancy party vase to restore some of ur villain cred monty




lop while I appreciate you blessing the feed with so many artworks I worry that your overworking yourself bc its spring break and all. Its important to maintain a consistent manageble postings schedule and to stock up on doodles for when you have art block but still have art to post. If your are overexerting yourself please relax and don't be afraid to save some doodles for a rainy day ☺


Thanks for the concern, but there's really no need. Drawing is what I've looked forward to most about spring break! Art is fun for me, and rarely feels like work. The drawings you see here are ideas I first sketched weeks ago, and am finally fleshing out now that I have the time. Please don't assume I'm slaving away at my computer, I'm having a very lovely and relaxing vacation. I've gone to the zoo, celebrated my birthday, bought new books to read, and am planning on going rollerskating and catching the new Godzilla flick in my backyard. I don't feel overworked, on the contrary, I wish there were more hours in the day to make all the art and do all the things I want to do~


Smoky and Monte are such a cute couple! I love how Monte is madly in love, but is making valiant efforts to maintain his villainous composure. "This wasn't a team-up, you fool! We simply had a common enemy, and I knew that my chances of success lay better with your brute strength and acidic breath on my side! Now release me from your heavenly, I mean, horrid grasp before I am forced to envenomate you!" *Monte breaks free and leaps gracefully onto an open windowsill; he pauses, and then smiles over his shoulder* "Same time next week?"


Nope. “Montezuma’s Revenge” is (I think) the name of a touristy theme park rollercoaster, and also a casual name for traveler’s diarrhea. I picked the name Montezuma because Montezuma/Moctezuma was the last ruler of the Tenochca, before Spanish conquistadors began their great cultural purge. Also, the real Montezuma’s father was conveniently named....Ahuizotl. ;)

Melody Williamson

Can we see Monty interacting with other characters? Pandora is also a hybrid!