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"Ah, yer Highness, but you've left out a key piece of Frost's intention in 'Dust of Snow' -- the ending reconciliation with the narrator's understanding of life and death," Trouble pointed out, almost off-handedly. "The snow an' the hemlock tree are meant to be 'bout death, sure, but that some part of the rued day bein' saved by th' beauty of nature, and the natural way that death shines light onto the beautiful qualities of life." He finished easily, only to look over and shift uncomfortably at the gobsmacked expression Twilight was sending him.

 "...What? Aw, shucks, did I mess up again?"    

"Wha-" Twilight sputtered, nearly dropping her own collection of Frost's poetry and prose in her shock. "No! No, not at all!" She assured the stallion in front of her, before sheepishly admitting, "I suppose I just... wasn't expecting that."     

Troubleshoes gave a weary smile that seemed a bit too heavy to truly be a smile at all. 'Oh, no worries, Princess," he assured her quietly. ".....No one ever expects much outta me nohow."

Twilight frowned. 

Quickly shaking the flustered pink from her cheeks, she quickly donned her very best prim-and-official-Princess-Of-Friendship grin. She seized Trouble's massive hoof with her own tiny ones. "Well, Mister Troubleshoes Clyde-" She started, "That's not a mistake I plan on making twice."

Trouble glanced down at their joined hooves, then at the alicorn's determined face- and felt a warm, funny feeling bubbling up within, not unlike the time he'd left grits boiling on the stove top and come back to find his house had burned down. It was approximately as terrifying, anyway.

"I.....uh.....I-I had some more thoughts on Frost's other works.....if yer keen on discussin’, Princess.”

Twilight smiled up at him, sweet and just a little shy- and Trouble understood that his heart, much like his grits, was doomed.


dialogue partly/mostly by Colbyr. sorry to be slow lately, i've been sick. not covid (i actually just got the vaccine), just a hormone issue that should ease up in a few days. might as well finish up some WIPS in the meantime amirite

trouble first dated discord, then got involved with twilight. he was around for a good stint of Pandora's childhood, and to this day Panny adores her "Pa"~

fyi "grits" are a breakfast porridge made from cornmeal, for my peeps not from the american south




...This is not a dynamic I was expecting, but I'll take it! ...I'm beginning to realize that i say this a lot with your work.


This is so cute. I have never jumped onto a ship so fast in my life


Oh my goooooooosh this is too cute


the heart exclamation point though, so cute!


Marry him Twi, humble intellectuals are hard to come by


I WANT MORE (if you have time and feel like it).

Calvin Sewell

This is absolutely adorable Feel better!!!


such a tangent from the actual post- but im just surprised that some ppl dont know what grits are.


Of course. Not everyone is American. Or perhaps they know what porridge is, but maybe only a kind specific to their culture. Polenta is similar to grits, but I'd never heard of it before and thought it was some sort of rice dish. :/ So I like to leave a little note, just in case anyone didn't know.


This is so sweet 🥺 once again, I’m in love with your colors for Twi! Also, I hope ya feel better soon, Lop! ❤️


Oh I love this! Also congrats on getting your vaccine!


Hope you feel better! And oh yas I do love me some delcious stress-princess and good ole farm boi dynamic. For the longest time I actually shipped Twilight and Big Mac because of this! Though Twicord might always be my favorite pairing with her, Twilight is just so wonderfully shipable with just about everyone lol And im personally loving that you've opened up her and Discord's relationship in the Pandoraverse. Some couples it wouldn't work, but it just makes sense for them


Looks like Twilight is seeing a real literary appeal right there,


aaaHHHH *fist pumps* excellent!! Glad to know that a) I could help and b) my very ambiguous degree in English lit can get me quoted on the internet by someone horse-famous!! (I kid ... Mostly... But truly, this is such a cute ship idea!! I actually shipped (...shope? Ew, no) big Mac and twi for a while too!!! Also... The Huge BF Cuddles temptation is just too strong to endure. Every once in a while, I imagine twi likes being the little spoon, and troubleshoes likes the fuzzy, indegestion-esque feeling he gets in his tummy big-spooning twi (who's possibly big-spooning discord in turn, making it a spoon sandwich), and feeling like everything he needs to worry about, for once, is just confined to his arms/legs/hooves.)


Yes!! I'm not the only one who shipped Mac and Twi for a while!!! *Finger guns into a high five*