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i'm still working on IAD!, promise (in fact i've just begun my spring break, so i'll finally have more time for comic-making), buuuut currently my brain is saying draw some idiot bois

Montezuma gets cold pretty easily, but he's not gonna let something like frostbite get in the way of wearing crop tops. Ahuizotl has gotten him many a sweater.....and Monty grabs scissors and crops them short, cuz gotta. Smoky spotted the Monty shivering and has graciously loaned him his scarf, cuz Smoke's dad Thorax is a real worry-bug about cold weather, and Smoky picked up the habit. Nobody catches pneumonia on Smoke's watch. Montezuma is two seconds away from being kidnapped and force-fed hot soup.

fun fact: Phoenix knit Smoky that hat and scarf

funfact2: Montezuma is stubbornly independent and will always make a fuss about being treated like a child.....buuuut secretly he loves this, he adores being taken care of. Also, Smoky is never getting that scarf back.




They’re so cute! I didn’t know Phoenix could knit?


Phoenix knits you say 👀 This is adorable!


I adore these two on a whole different level.


Hearing that Pheonix knits makes me think that maybe she made Vogue something really well crafted for a holiday once, and even though Phoenix would _never_ admit it there is totally love in every stich. And probably when Vogue wore it because the fashion industry icon ~Vogue Rosegold~ was wearing knit winterwear that year suddenly every Canterlot elite is sporting a knit hat and scarf combo. ~It's cottagecore chic~ And Phoenix is supes embarrassed but totally knits Vogue little mitts to go with the ensemble.


Love the title 😂😂 also your color schemes never fail to amaze


Aww, this is so adorable! What a cute couple! What's the romantic version of frienemies? boy-frienemies?


I like to imagine that one day Ahuizotl makes Monte a sweater, makes him put it on then cuts it to a perfect fit before properly knitting the edges. Realising that Monte is *always* going to cut them anyway but can never get the cut quite right as Monte has to do it while wearing it.


I imagine this being the beginning of a musical number, an angry one, to the tune of "Baby, It's Cold Outside."


“I really can't stay-” Stupid it's cold outside “I gotta go away-” Hey Stupid, it's cold outside “Can’t stay cooped up-” You’re out of cocoa, let me refill your cup “Because of a little chill~” By all means try and leave, I’m licensed to kill


Phoenix, when she sees Monty wearing the scarf one day many months after Smokey claimed he 'lost it': b*tch????