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ahuizotl's big dumb weird head presented an interesting challenge to translate into a human design

when i posted the montezuma voice test on deviantart i got a small handful of people suggesting alternative voice actors....some of which, perplexingly, were Spaniard men, or white British dudes. But Montezuma is a pretty strongly racially-coded character, it's baked into his whole backstory and character motivation. Monty is half Tenochca. Ahuizotl is a temple guardian that lives in the Tenochtitlan Basin with the rest of the indigenous population, untouched by Spanish colonialism. Ahuizotl does not speak Spanish, but rather, Nahuatl. Montezuma does speak Spanish, because his adoptive dad Cabelleron does. Upon reuniting with Ahuizotl, Monty spent a good year with his father, learning his culture and native language.

The Sphinx is a harder nut to crack. In the show, she's got an Egyptian-inspired design, but Egyptian sphinxes are typically male, and do not have wings. It's Greek sphinxes that are winged, female, and fond of telling riddles. Sooo I'm gonna headcanon that human Sphinx is an ancient Nubian lady with some distant Greek background, reflecting the immense diversity of ancient Egypt. Ergo Monty is half Tenochca, half Egyptian.....he was never gonna be voiced by some British guy, haha

About these two and their relationship! Well, they got together on a whim. I imagine Ahuizotl is still kinda in love with her, while the Sphinx is like......who are u

in the words of MyLittleGami:

he has a shrine and everything and she doesn't even remember that they had a kid together

the only riddle the sphinx cant solve: how she and ahui got together

When Ahui tells the story to Monty of how he met his mother, he always embellishes and makes it sound far more romantic than it was (and not at all like she threatened to kill him)

i'll leave y'all with one last fun fact. The word Sphinx is derived from the Greek word "sphíngō", which means "squeeze", as the sphinx of legend was said to strangle any who could not solve her riddle. This is where we get the English word "asphyxiate", as in "Monty would like to asphyxiate Smokescreen"




Wow! You don't cut any corners when it comes to backstories, Lop! Your research and development skills are to be admired! And they look awesome, too! :D

Calvin Sewell

I love and appreciate how much thought you put into not only your own characters but the canon ones!


Sweet baby Lucifer this is some Dreamworks level character design. For real Ahuizotl reminds me of an actual animated character I've seen from a feature film but FOR THE LIFE OF ME I cannot remember who they are and what they were in. I think they're buried somewhere deep in my childhood. Congratulations, you've officially driven me nuts for the night! xD Fabulous work Lop.


I adore the representation of my native people. Fun fact, the “Aztecs” never actually called themselves Aztecs. That’s what the Spaniards called them. They called themselves Mexica or Tenochca.


Thank you for telling me! I’ve been trying to do my research, but it’s admittedly difficult finding substantial information. I recall seeing the term Mexica, but it was among other like terms and I was absolutely not sure which one was appropriate. :< I definitely don’t want to refer to a people by a label their colonizers gave them.


I love them!!!


It's been two hours and I'm still searching frantically. WHO DO YOU LOOK LIKE YOU HANDSOME BASTARD!? ...send help...


These designs are fantastic !! I love all the thought you put into your characters. Also, I appreciate that Sphinx derives from a translation of “squeeze” because I have a sphinx kitten and her warm fat tummy is perfect for squeezin


Thank you. I really wanted to see it)


She has a giant form, but for the ease of navigating populated areas, she takes on a much smaller body. It's still pretty big by human standards, maybe 8-9 feet tall. Ahuizotl is a BIG tall guy, but even he probably only comes up to her chest.


This is all excellent as always but the *immediate* connection/thought I had as soon as I saw Ahui's face was "I do NOT say 'bleh, bleh bleh'!" ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djrrskjfYF0 )


oh god. i didn't see it before. but you're right. the head shape, the teeth.....oh no. adam sandler has infiltrated my brain yet again