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well hey uh here's something i've never done before

enough people asked about montezuma's "deep voice" and what voice actor i had in mind for him that i got curious myself! I have zero experience putting drawn frames to sound but i just HAD to try. Pretty excited about the end result, and the potential to do future voice tests! In the meantime, enjoy monty being a melodramatic boi

audio- Keith David, Coraline (2009)


Montezuma Voice Test



Oooohhh that suits him! He sounds so extra lol, and the raspppp


Holy heck that's Keith David? I've only ever heard him use one inflection. Also I second the notion that suits Monte, the light hearted shift to the gravelly threatening tone is just a treat.

Calvin Sewell

Keith David is an amazing choice


This is awesome, Lop! I love Keith David! He can shift his voice so effortlessly from kind and alluring to dark and sinister. He can command the entire room with his voice alone. It fits Monty very well, and frankly, I wouldn't mind being monologued at by Keith David.


Oh my god 😍 I like seriously LOVE this! That voice is so fitting for him!!! This would be so much to see with other Pandoraverse characters if you ever felt up to it! (Omg Noct with Puss-in-Boots lines 😆 )


Thanks! I've had a little voice animatic in mind for a while now of Bruce telling a dumb story to Stormy. Maybe with spring break coming up, I'll actually have time to do it. ;)