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first 3 are of a scenario where i imagine smokescreen and montezuma had to team up to stop a cult leader from using an ancient relic as a doomsday device. Montezuma fully expected to be able to resolve the situation peacefully, but the cultist was unshakable in his belief that he'd been chosen to bring about the end of the world. Ultimately, Smoky and Monty were only just able to take down the cultist and blow up the relic moments before it could trigger the apocalypse. It's been an exciting day. Both lads are still riding high off the "totally thought we were gonna fucking die" adrenaline, so perhaps a little impulsivity is excusable. I imagine they will freak out and jerk apart in a second or two. After all, a one-time team-up doesn't change anything.....

second doodle: Smoky isn't the only one that takes care of his nemesis.....As a boss himself (of a gaggle of loyal minions), Montezuma has strong feelings about the long, grueling missions Smoky's agency sends him on. Monty's minions have set aside a cot for Smoky in the breakroom, and sometimes leave a drink and snack for him to wake up to. Sometimes these quick "battle breaks" extend into lunch with Monty, which may or may not lead to them just spending the day together, battle of good vs evil temporarily forgotten.




Aww, this is the most adorable love-hate relationship I've ever seen! Montezuma: It's not that I like you or anything, you foolish do-gooder! I'm just, um, lulling you into a false sense of security. My revenge will be all the sweeter when I lower you into a pit of lava while you pitifully reminisce about all of the tender kisses and afternoon luncheons we shared!

Melody Williamson

Can we get Monty and smoke cuddling in their beast forms?


NO STOP, my soul!! I love these two so much. I LOVE THEM! I was having a crap day and seeing the boys being cute together made my friggen day! Monty is just so MMPH and Smoky is so FRGH! I have no words


I would ADORE seeing these two cuddling in a big ol' monster heap some time.