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Felix is perpetually jump-scared by the weird tiny gremlin-thing that lives in his house




*flash back to when my 3 year old niece wanted a sip of my wine cooler and I blurted out that she couldn’t because it was adult juice*


Was Perry ever bold enough to sneak a sip of his dad’s “juice?” Not that I think either of his parents would explicitly encourage that behavior, it’s just that Liv and Felix aren’t exactly winning any parenting awards anytime soon, and being a chaotic gremlin child myself once, I know I would’ve downed my mom’s wine glasses as a 5 year old if my parents weren’t watching me.


Yeeeep, then IMMEDIATELY spit it out. I remember as a kid, my family encouraged me to have a sip of my grandma's wine, and I immediately spat it out because wtf, people actually LIKE that rancid rotten grape taste?? But at least wine is sweet. Felix has hard liquor in that flask- whiskey or rum or vodka- something that DOES taste like jet fuel. Perry would try to sneak a sip and probably start choking while it burned his nose and throat. Felix would just take the flask away with an amused chuckle, "hmf, let that be a lesson to you, ducky".