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Time for Liv! She gets two bio cards, cuz she's basically a completely different person in her youth. Goes from stepford wife to a really pissed off meryl streep. She is shown here in her first year of marriage to Felix, and then about a decade later, riiiight before his death.

Liv tried to be a good little housewife, but it just wasn't for her. Never was. She's too ambitious, too opinionated, too easily bored to have every been happy waiting around on some jackoff, even a rich literary titan jackoff. Felix resists her every attempt to connect with him, treats her with the same condescending, casual belittling one might show a child they don't especially like. Often it feels like he only married her to have someone to keep track of his appointments and laundry. Liv is pondering this when she walks into their room one afternoon and finds Felix in bed with the gardener- a man.

Disgust, horror....fury. Liv is a whirlwind of emotion. The man flees, Felix urges her to calm down already, its not what she thinks (she's so SICK of him treating her like an idiot!), but Liv is done. She slaps Felix across the face, claws out, cursing him to hell. Felix seizes her wrists, cursing her right back (just who do you think you are, you little bitch?!), Liv spits in his face and calls him disgusting. There's a pause while they catch their breath...and then they fall into bed with brutal, nauseatingly intense passion.

Felix doesn't like Liv when she's fawning over him like a school girl with cotton stuffing for brains. He likes her when she's seeing him for what he believes himself to be- disgusting. Felix enjoys being degraded and dominated. Felix longs for a mother figure. Liv provides both these things, and thus he feels an inexplicable attraction and attachment to her. It is not kindness or love that earns Liv Felix's respect- it's her capacity for cruelty and brutality. That night, they conceive Perry.

Upon learning of the pregnancy, Felix purchases a lavish historic home for them to raise their family in (and to soothe Liv's growing doubts about raising a child with someone like Felix). He promises to be faithful to her, to never again stray, but this is of course a lie, Felix has various affairs with men throughout their marriage. Liv is irate about this, particularly as Felix is so engrossed in his work and pleasures that she's left to raise their child largely on her own. 

Liv wanted a baby, or at least thought she did. Her own mother was so harsh and cold growing up, she thought that she could raise her own baby with the love she herself was never given. Instead she finds that she has not given birth to a perfect doll to dress up, but rather a wailing, smelly, helpless infant. She doesn't know how to handle this….thing. To her horror, she learns she doesn't even know how to love it. Hugs and kisses and patience and tenderness don't come naturally to Liv, and forcing it just makes her feel foolish. So she defers to what she knows best, and unwittingly becomes an even worse version of her mother. 

tldr: Felix has mommy issues, Liv has mommy issues, and guess what, by their powers combined they give Perry mommy issues (and daddy issues, as a treat!)




I always feel the worst for Liv..like we know Perry has his happy ending and all but Liv just seems to be doomed to get worse forever due to forces mostly outside her control…truly tragic don’t change a thing though she’s my favorite of the bunch because of this

Shaylin A.

The way she low key had such an unintentional glow up….or maybe I just love messy MILFs 🫡 she’s my fave ever