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Felix gets a bit of fine-tuning. :3 It felt odd for him not to be a spotted cat like the rest of his family. He and Perry look a lot more alike now, something I’m sure drives Liv nuts

Felix is pictured here around the age he died. He was a man that desperately craved love, but refused to undergo the vulnerability and honesty required to find it. Felix is extremely arrogant when it comes to his creative work, but just underneath the surface he is drowning in self-loathing. As he could not stomach to be around himself, he had no reason to believe anyone else could either. He found a wife, because he needed someone to care for him, and had a child, because he needed someone to pass on his legacy.

 Suffering from clinical depression, and perhaps almost addicted to his misery, Felix jerked away from any and all attempts to truly know or love him. His marriage to Liv was functional at first, but ultimately imploded into contemptuous codependency and mutually assured destruction. Liv loved him, or at least liked him, and that made him anxious, so he shoved away her attempts at meaningful connection, belittled her opinions on literature, theatre, and art, picked at her insecurities, self-sabotaged in the way of drugs and extramarital affairs, until Liv flipped the script and became HIS tormentor, and in a sick, perverse way, Felix enjoyed this, felt "safer" within their new spiteful dynamic.

Felix...loved Perry, kinda. He was certainly fond of his cute, chubby-cheeked little "daughter", and quite liked to hold baby Perry, and talk to him late at night, because an infant makes for a good listener. But then Perry got old enough to talk, and be a person, and follow Felix around with big sweet innocent eyes expecting....what, exactly? For Felix to have a conversation with him? To PLAY with him? To....to be an actual father? Ugh. Run along now, darling, out of daddy's study.

Perry mostly remembers his father as an eccentric stranger, a man as vaguely affectionate as he was incredibly distant.




Oops I came back to make another comment because I thought of another question I’m so sorry lop Has adult Perry ever read any of Felix’s work? If so what does he think of it?

Morghann Patterson

It’s interesting how you’ve made Felix a fishing cat, his ears and coloration seem to hark to a more lynx/caracal type of cat!

Morghann Patterson

Like they even have short tails to his long one… is it possible that he’s mixed with another species of kitty?