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Far be it from me to question why y’all like Perry’s crusty ass dad. Here’s a shot of him uncolored, since the finer details of his wrinkly skinny dad bod got lost under all his spots


Also included is Felix’s friend and protégé, Calvin Sinclaire. At this point in time, Perry is aboooout 4 years old, Felix is in his late 40s, and Calvin is in his early 30s. Calvin was hand-picked by Felix to study under him, learning how to improve his writing and fine-tune his early attempts at horror fiction. Felix views Calvin as an academic equal, though he doesn’t quite approve of the gruesome content Cal likes to write. Cal also does errands for Felix, babysits young Perry, and proves his limitless creativity to Felix in the bedroom, whenever Liv isn’t around. When the cat’s away, the mice will play, after all….

To clarify some things, Priscilla is not born yet, nor has Calvin met his future wife Shari. He’s just a young starving artist fooling around with his (married) boss. It’s quite thrilling to Cal that Felix would choose him over his wicked witch of a wife, but sometimes Calvin feels the niggling claws of his conscience scratching at him….




*gasps in Spanish* I’m obsessed

Marta Tarasiuk

I don't know how to feel about this newest Calvin development. Turns out I have strong feelings and opinions about sleeping with married people (especially when kids are involved) I never even knew I had.


It's very easy to justify terrible things to ourselves. Calvin is normally a fairly upstanding guy, but Felix was his idol. He was honestly under the impression that Felix was trapped in an unhappy marriage to a bitter, volatile, joyless wife. This is how Felix described it to Cal, and it created a confirmation bias for Cal, where he'd see Liv being tired and snippy and frustrated with Felix or Perry and think aha! This woman is an irredeemable witch! She doesn't value her husband or child! And so Calvin is able to justify his dubious actions to himself. He cares about Perry, he cares about Felix, and he creates a beautiful lie in his head where he and Felix create a new life together, without Liv to get in the way. All this starts falling apart as time goes on, as Cal starts to see Liv as a person, as a hurting and lonely wife that Felix lies to and takes for granted. As he grows closer to Perry and realizes he's put an innocent child in the crossfire. As he learns Felix is not an unappreciated genius, but a flawed, broken man incapable of loving anyone, even himself. The affair will bring Calvin a lot of suffering and heartache, and he eventually puts a stop to it. Though the damage is done, his affection for Perry, at least, remains. He tries to be a caring paternal presence to Perry throughout his life, motivated by guilt partly, but also love and loyalty.