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Episode 40 - Full Version.mp4

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Rosanne Stewart

I am a proud Mabel Lane Fox fangirl. It is such a rare and remarkable kind of courage to be as open as she is in what most people regard as vulnerabilities. She admits her resentment of Mary for her ability to take Tony away from her and then immediately acknowledges that Mary looks fucking fabulous with her new hair ("a cross between a Vogue fashion plate and a case of dynamite" is a description for the ages) and when Mary (rather outrageously) confesses to not wanting to make it "too easy" for Tony to leave her behind, Mabel laughs in genuine amusement and even a bit of admiration. Poor Mrs. Drew. And poor MARIGOLD. She is still a toddler and this is the THIRD TIME she has been taken from her family. First when Edith handed her over to the Swiss couple after keeping her for several months, second when she took her away from the Swiss couple, and now she's taken her away from the Drews. That child is going to grow up emotionally stunted. The Mr. Green storyline drags on and I become more annoyed by it every week. They came all the way out to interrogate Baxter and then they let her get away with a brief and vague statement. There might have been an incident (what kind of incident? how do you know this?) and there might have been a trip to London (by whom? why do you think that? what exactly did you see or hear?) but she can't swear to any of it. All right, Miss Baxter, go back to work, no further questions. Then the whole thing with the train ticket. It's completely believable that a modern audience wouldn't have caught it, but these are people who take trains all the time. They KNOW that you get a ticket, the train conductor keeps the first half when you get on the train and then the conductor at your destination keeps the remainder. NO ONE TAKES A TRAIN JOURNEY AND HAS A WHOLE UNTORN TICKET AFTERWARDS. They would all KNOW THIS. It is just BAD, LAZY WRITING. Thomas allowing Baxter to be kind to him is just so gratifying. It's like she's just coaxing him bit by bit into being a better person.


You know what? You're so right about Mabel Lane Fox, and I appreciate her character more because of you pointing out those things. Thank you! I've been enjoying reading your comments on the Downton Abbey posts; your perspective often shows things I hadn't considered and gets me to appreciate them more. And I agree about Thomas. Baxter would be well within her rights to want nothing to do with him, but it is good to see him finally showing some trust in someone and breaking down his walls a bit. He needs that so desperately but gets in his own way so much. It really is gratifying seeing it, even though I suspect he's gonna dive headfirst into being...well, Thomas...again in about five seconds.