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Episode 39 - Full Version.mp4

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Rosanne Stewart

I wish Miss Bunting had been a different sort of person. She shares Tom's politics but not his ability to see beyond principle to the people they're attached to. Tom was something of a firebrand in the beginning but he attacked ideas, not people. But I absolutely LOVE Atticus. The look on his face when Rose was confused about what the big deal was about him being Jewish... And it was actually not the prince who was being anti-Semitic. it was his friend the Count. The prince saw it coming as soon as the word "Odessa" entered the conversation and apologized to Atticus and Rose as the Count stormed off. Prince Kuragin is awesome. I love how he's just accepting of how his life has changed. Count Rostov is still insisting on his title and clinging to his old life but Kuragin is saying, "It's Mr. Kuragin now." Robert has NO ground to stand on when it comes to Cora's flirtation with Bricker, but of course he doesn't see it that way. Women are held to a higher moral standard. And Cora doesn't know about his relationship with Jane, anyway. Bricker absolutely deserved a black eye and more. To just show up in Cora's bedroom like that? Knowing the world they live in and that it would be a scandal that could destroy her life if they were caught? It would be one thing if he had whispered to her ahead of time and asked, but he just walked right in. And oh my goodness, poor Edith. And poor Thomas.

Kobaian Vagabond

I think Robert's issue with Cora is that, to him, Bricker's motives are obvious. Cora just dismisses his concern and is a little naïve with the whole situation.