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Gods and Monsters - Full Version.mp4

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yay! welcome back! hope vacation was wonderful. i love that you pointed out dean has said harsh things about jack as well. those two understand each other in their willingness to self-sacrifice for others. jack also, IMO, has PTSD from his time in apocalypse world. and again, like dean, the things around his trauma he can lash out about. it's easier to see the jack and cas and jack and sam parallels IMO, but the jack and dean ones are definitely there and fascinating to me. anyway, excited for this season!!


If there's one thing you can count on with Buckleming: it's wasting a whoooole lot of time on Nick and Lucifer when there are a million other things they need to be focusing on >.<


You put in so many hours for us, I hope you had some great time off and really enjoyed yourself. This episode is such a mixed bag. Cas got a tough look at his recent past compared to the previous thousands of years he's existed. I kinda' wanted to give him a hug. I love the interactions between Cas and Jack and while it was hard to hear, I know Dean would want them to take out Michael if there was no way seperate the two. Deep down Cas knows it as well. He just doesn't want to hear it yet again. I'm 50/50 about seeing more of Nick and I agree his side story takes up too much screen time. (I also think it allowed J2 less screen time and a lighter work load but that's just my opinion ) Jack spending time with his grandparents was a dicey thing to do but I wanted him to have that opportunity as bittersweet as it was. As for Dean's return, I've always thought it was too soon but hey, there was a lot of story to be told so I shrugged and went with it. Because it was Supernatural. And I'd been with it since series premiere night. And wasn't about to miss a damn thing on the road to the impending series finale.


You didn't want this to be another demon dean situation, well at least demon dean lasted 3 episodes, Michael dean only lasted two?I they just can't do supernatural without dean huh 🤣, am so happy we finally got some jack and cas bonding, the way cas was sooooo offended at the mere possibility of sacrificing dean 🥺, Jack being the one willing to sacrifice dean if it means killing Michael makes sense, not only because he's not as close to dean as Sam and cas so he can see the big picture but also because he knows this Michael the best out of all of them, he fought a war against this Michael in the apocalypse world, he knows what this Michael is capable of and he also has trauma and guilt over everyone he couldn't save in the AU universe and he vowed to kill Michael last season and cares about fulfilling that promise plus dean has been a dick to him most of last season so it makes sense that he wouldn't be torn about it. Cas has always been able to see the big picture too except when it comes to dean. I love that my baby is so wise now, cas grew alot!!! Honestly hearing him talk this episode and comparing it to early seasons cas, i can see that he had the most character development out of team free will, it sucks when the writers forget Sam & dean learned a lesson that not all monsters are bad, i would've loved for Sam to stand up to bobby too! This is a buckleming episode which unfortunately means we have to endure lots of mark p screentime, wasted screentime i should say sigh, at least they made it clear it's difficult for cas to face nick because of his lucifer trauma, wish they did that with Sam too


I agree J2 needed more time off, i just wish we spent that time on any other character, supernatural has loads of interesting beloved characters they can pick from


I always blank the Nick stuff out XD

Helen Wood

There are two factors in what Jack said about Dean. First, he is deep in guilt, blaming himself for Michael getting to their world. He feels a need to put it right at any cost. Second, he has angelic focus. Like all celestials, his mind focuses on one issue at a time. He sees a problem and goes for the obvious solution, without considering consequences. It's why Cas went after Purgatory.


Archangels are the big issue in this entir show. Whether it being stopping the apocalypse, Cas getting souls to stop Raphael, what to do with Jack, a half Archangel, Lucifer, even the trickster screwing with them and Azazels plan. The boys would be fine if Archangels just ceased to exist. Our Micheal, (superior Micheal) was indifferent towards humans, just completely focused on his father's plan. My problem with Nick is that as much as I love some of marks acting, like his crying scene, he honestly doesn't have the range to be that different most of the time, leaving him feeling just like a nice version of Lucifer, which after his satisfying final death, is frustrating.


There's no excuse for this much concentrated Luciferness. xp


Just wants to add that i wish I could scrape the scene of nick badly crying off my mind, some actors you love watching cry like Jensen he's a beautiful crier and some actors you just wanna say please stop trying we don't want you to hurt yourself

Courtney Vial

So much screentime wasted on Nick.


It's hard for THEM to look at Nick??? Poor Sam carrying the team deserves a freaking medal!