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Arcadia - Full Version.mp4

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Been so excited anticipating you watching this......off to watch it now! P.S. When Mulder took the pillow and left Scully in the bedroom he said, 'The thrill is gone.'

Demijan Omeragic

To clarify some things you might have missed: Mike was attacked by the monster because Win Schroeder broke Mike's light bulb at the orders of Mr. Gogolak. Later on, Mike broke Win's light bulb as revenge, which is why the monster showed up in front of his wife. And the reason the monster itself died is because its creator / summoner died. It broke down / crumbled in front of Mulder at the exact same moment Gogolak died. Why did the monster attack Gogolak? Because he was tied to the mailbox of a place where everything was a mess. Many broken rules. The monster doesn't seem to care who it kills, as long as the rules are broken, whoever happens to be there would be the victim. Hope this helps. Glad you enjoyed it. One of my favorite episodes.