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Unfinished Business - Full Version.mp4

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rose mnor

So I am not sure whether this has been shared here about why Asmodeus can shapeshift since he is a demon who should normally need a meatsuit in this SPN universe - therefore shapeshifting would negate that need and SPN new lore had to be updated. (If I am wrong about there being other demons that can shapeshift please someone correct me). Back in the day when Ep2 aired and we were introduced to Asmo, we fans kinda scratched our online heads about this new lore on demon's ability - another Prince of Hell - of having this somewhat new confounding ability. Not only us but apparently the crews too (sorry, no citation but someone in the show did touch upon this …) ** ETA: source found. When it was later then discovered that Asmo was keeping Gabriel captive and the former had been consuming the archangel's grace on the daily, that mystery was solved for fans since Gabe has that shifting ability so, yeah ... Asmo apparently did manage to have that too, via Gabe's grace power ... ** ETA - Found it! ..... It was Jerry Wanek! the Set Design Director ... ... [Jerry] He spoke of how Phil [Sgriccia] cares about the show’s mythology and legacy compared to some writers who do things that change the mythology. He said everyone was confused by Asmodeus in the fact that he could shapeshift. He didn’t like the fact that all the other Princes of Hell didn’t have that ability but apparently Asmodeus did. Source link: https://www.tumbex.com/neven-ebrez.tumblr/post/167793817793/tidbits-from-sunday-night-drinks-with-jerry-wanek

rose mnor

Also, when fans got hold of the production draft script, there was quite a reaction to the original version line vs the final one that aired in the episode, from the DeanCas fandom. In the aired version episode's script, when Sam said "... we will die together too," it was in response to Dean's following line (from Superwiki's transcripts) : DEAN: You remember what happened the last time we had front row tickets to the Lucifer/Michael show? 'Cause I do. You died… and went to Hell. But see, this time, the apocalypse isn't looking for us. We're actually looking for it. I don't care what happens to me. I never really have. But I do care about what happens to my brother. Whereas in the production draft script - earlier version, DEAN: Sam, last time we did this -- bought front row to the Lucifer and Michael show, you died. You went to Hell. And now, here we go again, only this time, the apocalypse ain't come looking for us -- we're going to find IT. I lost Cass and it damn near broke me ... (trailing off, -- then) I don't care if anything happens to me -- I never have. But you? ... Because TPTB apparently only edited out the line about Dean’s actual feelings on how he felt when Cas died (shown in earlier episodes of the season) from the final version ... ... and it was not even "we lost Cass", it was "I lost Cass ..." ... script written by Meredith Glynn Via source: page 47/47 Superwiki Scripts https://drive.google.com/file/d/10qja-QHJaLPWJm0He65rHAn02VtVS3UL/view 😭

rose mnor (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-29 22:24:40 ... the final takeaway that was taken from that, probably was -- they shot a few takes of each script word for word, even if the actors or directors did some meddling with the lines at the moment for other takes, as well. They always got the specific, scripted version on tape. ... because MORE apparently, Jared and Jensen thought that CAS was there physically in the "die together" scene/part ... LMAO ... Via link: https://twitter.com/violetmatter/status/1566709167384961024 Original video via link (at 29.16 mark): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvINzLYC3dg&t=1806s (during back in JIB 2018) - when the script was available online in 2022, the fan who asked the question - violetmatter or her actual name is Cass - thought that, while referring to the video in 2022 : "... J2 was so sure the “die together” line included Cas, as it did in the prod. draft, that they’re remembering him as involved in an episode Misha wasn’t even in." - another fan in the twitter discussion, ... "I know he was there physically" - I mean, Jensen, Misha was not even IN the episode (though Cas was, offscreen, weirdly, he was settling Gabe elsewhere in the bunker) but it's like - that scene was SO tied to being about the Cas loss that Jensen misremembered him being in the ep ... What Jensen was acting, in that moment, was about considering the level of loss he's borne and what more he could take, especially in regards to Cas's death. It was fundamentally coming from THAT place, ergo Jensen's sense memory. via link: https://twitter.com/search?q=(from%3Avioletmatter)%20until%3A2022-09-05%20since%3A2022-09-04&src=typed_query&f=live *sigh*
2023-03-23 05:02:55 ... the final takeaway that was taken from that, probably was -- they shot a few takes of each script word for word, even if the actors or directors did some meddling with the lines at the moment for other takes, as well. They always got the specific, scripted version on tape. ... because MORE apparently, Jared and Jensen thought that CAS was there physically in the "die together" scene/part ... LMAO ... Via link: https://twitter.com/violetmatter/status/1566709167384961024 Original video via link (at 29.16 mark): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvINzLYC3dg&t=1806s (during back in JIB 2018) - when the script was available online in 2022, the fan who asked the question - violetmatter or her actual name is Cass - thought that, while referring to the video in 2022 : "... J2 was so sure the “die together” line included Cas, as it did in the prod. draft, that they’re remembering him as involved in an episode Misha wasn’t even in." - another fan in the twitter discussion, ... "I know he was there physically" - I mean, Jensen, Misha was not even IN the episode (though Cas was, offscreen, weirdly, he was settling Gabe elsewhere in the bunker) but it's like - that scene was SO tied to being about the Cas loss that Jensen misremembered him being in the ep ... What Jensen was acting, in that moment, was about considering the level of loss he's borne and what more he could take, especially in regards to Cas's death. It was fundamentally coming from THAT place, ergo Jensen's sense memory. via link: https://twitter.com/search?q=(from%3Avioletmatter)%20until%3A2022-09-05%20since%3A2022-09-04&src=typed_query&f=live *sigh*

... the final takeaway that was taken from that, probably was -- they shot a few takes of each script word for word, even if the actors or directors did some meddling with the lines at the moment for other takes, as well. They always got the specific, scripted version on tape. ... because MORE apparently, Jared and Jensen thought that CAS was there physically in the "die together" scene/part ... LMAO ... Via link: https://twitter.com/violetmatter/status/1566709167384961024 Original video via link (at 29.16 mark): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvINzLYC3dg&t=1806s (during back in JIB 2018) - when the script was available online in 2022, the fan who asked the question - violetmatter or her actual name is Cass - thought that, while referring to the video in 2022 : "... J2 was so sure the “die together” line included Cas, as it did in the prod. draft, that they’re remembering him as involved in an episode Misha wasn’t even in." - another fan in the twitter discussion, ... "I know he was there physically" - I mean, Jensen, Misha was not even IN the episode (though Cas was, offscreen, weirdly, he was settling Gabe elsewhere in the bunker) but it's like - that scene was SO tied to being about the Cas loss that Jensen misremembered him being in the ep ... What Jensen was acting, in that moment, was about considering the level of loss he's borne and what more he could take, especially in regards to Cas's death. It was fundamentally coming from THAT place, ergo Jensen's sense memory. via link: https://twitter.com/search?q=(from%3Avioletmatter)%20until%3A2022-09-05%20since%3A2022-09-04&src=typed_query&f=live *sigh*