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Episode 35 - Full Version.mp4

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Rosanne Stewart

Poor Baxter. She's been living in fear for so long so this has to be a relief to tell the truth, even if she isn't sure she'll be able to keep her job. And Thomas just seems to have crazy luck. He's an asshole to everyone, he's caught stealing, he's caught being gay, he's caught putting a jewel thief on the staff, but every time he manages to hold onto his job. But it's like he's determined to keep pushing his luck. I think he feels like he's not truly secure unless he has power over people and information/blackmail is the way he gets his power. Miss Bunting keeps making me veer back and forth in my opinion of her at this point. I love her politics, I love her confidence, I love her independence. But she crosses the line into rudeness on a regular basis, starting with when Tom told her he really wasn't comfortable taking her upstairs and she just ignored his discomfort and kept going. Mary is taking a HUGE risk in going off alone with Tony, but I can't blame her for doing it. She's perfectly right to want to be sure about things before she agrees to marry again. And I kind of love that Tony respects her enough to suggest it. He doesn't think she'd be immoral for doing it, he understands that she's still not sure and isn't taking it personally. And he's right, that "seducers" don't typically seduce with the aim of convincing a woman to marry. Usually they have the opposite intention, just wanting the sex without the commitment. And oh my god, I want the whole Mr. Greene thing to GO AWAY. It is far and away my least favorite storyline of the entire series. Ugh.


Hard agree on the Mr Green storyline, the perpetual misery of it is probably my least favourite in the whole show. I totally agree on your Thomas analysis too - have a real soft spot for him but with Baxter in these scenes it's hard to justify it. I think it's just the precarity of his situation, I do love how he gets away with shit lol. I think the best way to watch this show is with a kind of affectionate eye roll at it's conservative leader and just have a bit of fun with it. Like yes, down with the aristocrats but like, I also want Mary and Edith happy haha

David Hutchinson

That Mrs. Bennett reference from Pride and Prejudice was too funny.