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Two Fathers - Full Version.mp4

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Wolfgang Engel

I think the colonists and the rebels are the same race. Just different factions. Cassandra spoke about "another race of aliens" but I think she didn't know better or it's just sloppy writing, of wich we get more and more as the show goes on. Unfortunately. But both of them have this green goo, both of them have changeling abilities, both of them can be killed by being stabbed in the neck. I feel a bit sorry for Spender. We learned two things. He is no Mulder, but he's not even a Krycek. 😄 Remember, Scully said Cassandra was first abducted, the same night like Samantha. So she was a grown up woman and Jeffrey was already born. So Jeffrey is not a hybrid. And Cassandra might be a hybrid as a result of experiments with hybrid genes that they might have injected into her. Talking about Krycek: They cut out an interesting scene with him and the smoking man, where Krycek showed admiration for the CSM and told him, that he sees him as a father figure, that he wants to take his position in the syndicate, once he resigned. But the CSM tells him, he already has a son. Jeffrey, and that he is supposed to take his position. There just wasn't enough time, to keep that scene in the episode. No spoilery because they will never come back to that. Nah, Krycek is done with russia, I think he only wanted to get his hands on the russian vaccine, bring it to the US, to make his way back into the syndicate.


I don't agree with your posting a comment about, 'sloppy writing,' to a reaction channel where the reactors haven't seen the rest of the seasons. Let them make up their own minds. It's only your opinion.

Demijan Omeragic

Great reaction video. I'm not going to talk about how the mythology came to be, how it was "developed" etc., because this would be spoilery, but I do feel the need to clear up certain things. Of course it is extremely complicated, way too complex than it needs to be, but hey, it's The X-Files. Anyway, it is the GREY aliens that are colonists who want to invade earth, who are cooperating with the Syndicate. They are infecting all other life forms with "purity" (black oil). Remember "purity control" from the season one finale? Now the "other race of aliens" are the ones we see shapeshift, like the Bounty Hunter. Let's call it the "ABH race" (alien bounty hunter race"). A portion of the ABH race is infected with the black oil, hence making them colonists as well, even though so far we've never seen the oil in members of their race. Hence, the bounty hunter working with CSM/CGB (like we've seen in "Herrenvolk" is part of the colonists. But... another fraction of that ABH race are the "faceless rebels" with messed up faces to prevent infection. In one way, they are doing a service to mankind by trying to prevent colonization, but plenty of their methods are terrible, as we've seen in season five, burning innocent abductees and killing them. However, in terms of the Syndicate and the Colonists, the rebels are their enemies. Regarding the toxic green blood, it has nothing to do with the rebels. The general (fan) consensus agrees that if you kill an alien, their blood is not toxic anymore. It is only toxic if you wound them and/or knock them out. I'm not going to talk about whether CGB Spender is Mulder's biological father, but I am not sure why you would think that Jeffrey is some kind of clone or hybrid. I mean... you could be right... but I've seen nothing in the show to support this idea. Maybe they chose the actor simply for the purpose of resemblance, in connection to the flashbacks from a younger CGB in older episodes? And if Mulder is indeed CGB's son, meaning Jeffrey's half-brother, there is nothing unusual about two brothers or half-brothers looking completely different, not only from each other, but also from their father. Cassandra Spender was sliced into, at the opening of the episode, bleeding green blood. The could very well be a hybrid that was not "grown in a tank" like we've seen in previous episodes with the Gregors (episode "Colony"). Also remember the hybrid from the season one finale, who became a hybrid while he was human, not grown in any tank. He was saved from his cancer by becoming a hybrid, as explained by Deep Throat in that episode. I know it was a very long time ago, but I'm just trying to help you make connections. We've seen tons of hybrids on the series, but what a "truly successful alien human hybrid" means, we don't really know yet, so this episode implies that Cassandra is "the one". It also implies that if the aliens learn that the Syndicate succeeded in creating a "successful" hybrid, colonization will begin, which is why Cassandra wants Mulder to kill her. Of course... with her bleeding toxic blood, just shooting her would probably be a terrible idea. There might be one scene in a future episode sometime which could cause confusion and make you believe the greys and the ABHs are the same race, but I'll post a comment about that to help you understand, when the time comes. I wrote tons of text trying to help you connect the dots. I hope it's been helpful. I'm glad you're enjoying the series. I do enjoy your videos as well. Take care and stay safe.