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Seeds - Full Version.mp4

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Becky White

Agents of Shield still beats these Disney Plus shows. You just get more time to bond to these characters.

Suzanne Hunt

I really love how Fitz and Simmons are Rockstars at the Brainiac academy! Skye put a wonderful positive spin on what Coulson told her about her past! She is my favorite character too! Thank you so much for your heartfelt reaction! I cannot wait for the next episode! I hope all you Patreon members have a safe, blessed and happy Thanksgiving!

Gary Marshall

I totally agree, This show has taken a group of unknown agents (Coulson excepted) and within the course of 12 episodes made us care for each and every one of them.

Christopher simeon

I enjoyed this episode and how we get a look at where Fitzsimmons came from. Potential is so dangerous and this episode showed us the two sides of someone influencing that potential. Couslon seeing potential in Skye since day one helped Skye find her true family(shield) even though her search leads to terrible stories and the deaths of lots shield agents and her family. Meanwhile Quinn as a parallel to coulson used their potential to manipulate Donny and Seth into doing bad things for money. In the end that created a bad seed in Donny. Shoutout to bucky Barnes and yes at the time it was to remind us of him before Winter soldier. I think you miss heard the guy said "she had powers or something we never witness it." So they aren't sure if she has any abilities just going off what they were told. Earlier in the season they were looking for who was funding centipede and the clairvoyant and now it has been revealed that Quinn is working with them and the clairvoyant so he is the money.

Ian Fleming

Just became a patron (switching up from your YT page) and I'm pleasantly surprised to discover that you are already up to "Seeds". This is going to be fun.