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Demons - Full Version.mp4

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Amye Sabin

You guys are all confused about the house where David &amp; Amy were found dead. That was Amy's childhood house. It had nothing to do with the CSM. The house in Mulder's vision was the summer house in Quanacatog (sp ?). The reason Mulder remembered Amy's childhood house was because he was there...when Amy shot David &amp; herself. That's how the blood got on him. That's how he got her car &amp; keys. <p></p> <p>I believe Scully is right in that these are manufactured 'memories'. And the CSM is there only because he's a villain in Mulder's mind/experiences.</p>


The section with Mulder at about 7'30" holds the world's record for most stunning use of jeans and white t-shirt in any form of media, ever. Honest. (💜💜💜💜💜)


I've seen the series a couple of times now. But watching the episodes with y'all has really served to remind me how much this show was used as a model for SPN. I thought last weeks "Elegy" was clearly similar to "The Usual Suspects". But this...? WOW this episode was SO MUCH like S2, "Born Under a Bad Sign" - that I had a hard time just enjoying the episode for what it is because of the comparisons...lol. From top to bottom, Mulder and Sam waking up with blood on them and not remembering what happened with much of the structure and details thereafter being similar if not the same. I mean, all the way down to Sam being possessed by Meg the demon, and this episode being called demons. It kind of blew my mind if I'm being honest. ETA: I'm a big fan of the shows mythology, but because SPN paid such tribute to certain episodes I'm liking certain MOTW ones even more now (I know this is considered mytharc).