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O Brother, Where Art Thou? - Full Version.mp4

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I know I’m so late to this but amara was definitely trying to take deans soul but couldn’t so she covered it up with a kiss.


You’ll probably find that Cas is unnecessarily missing from a lot of buckleming episodes


Regarding them splitting up, dean specifically told Sam not to go down without him but when Sam rang him he was about to answer when amara showed up. Then Sam went down to hell without dean. So I don’t think it’s either of their fault but it’s definitely not deans fault that Sam left without him. As much as I love Crowley and Rowena and they’re definitely interesting characters to watch, I feel like you have a bit of a blindspot for them (though don’t we all). I think the boys were just trying to take necessary precautions, ie keeping Rowena in chains when she’s reading the book of the damned, because at the end of the day Rowena and often Crowley both have bad intentions. They’re allies when they have a common enemy, but they cant truly be trusted. (Although I think Crowley is probably a bit more trustworthy than Rowena because of his relationship with dean)


It's incredible how much as a younger viewer I was more of a Dean fan, but as these episodes progress... I am just further convinced to how much Sam is the best character in the show. He's had such a great journey and tremendous character growth it's captivating watching Jared portray an older, more weathered and matured version versus the young, revenge driven Sam of Season 1.


I feel the same way about Crowley and Rowena. I don't trust those two at all. Even with Crowley, he wants to be on Dean's side it seems. But wanting a relationship with someone who has good intentions doesn't mean you have good intentions. Doing the right thing for personal reasons doesn't make you moral.


I really like this episode. It wasn’t crazy for Sam to think it could have been their world's god reaching out to him given the timing of, and signs that came with, the visions. Even though we haven’t seen or heard from him, he brought Castiel back (according g to him) and Amara is "personal." So, it’s somewhat reasonable it could be him this time. Also, they had no reason to think Lucy could contact them from the cage because he literally couldn’t until the darkness rising damaged it. Sam fights so hard to have faith, whether in God or people, and this is the thanks he gets. The ending with Lucy revealing it was always him talking to Sam is heartbreaking, and Sam's fear is palpable. Rowena and Crowley are massively entertaining, but I have never seen enough good to make me trust them so far. And even though Crowley is a frienemy now, it doesn’t negate the vile things he's done, especially things the character has mentioned or hinted at doing off scream. I actually like that Sam hasn’t softened towards Crowley and shut him down when he first tried to bond over their time in the church. I really don’t like the Dean and Amara thing. She’s this ancient cosmic being, yet also a stalker weirdo. Mostly, I don’t like the power imbalance between her and Dean. The fact that she pulled him away from answering his call at a fraught moment like when they are planning to go down to hell, and Dean's reaction after the kiss, shows she has unnatural influence on him. Also, I pretty much wrote her off the second we saw that she eats souls to grow/survive. For me, that alone makes her bad, because being a soul stuck trapped as a part of another being sounds worse than disappearing altogether. Amara is a no for me.

Brenda Lewis

I cried for my sweet Sammy this episode

Daniel Lewis

Yeah right it's insane how Shelley is so pro Crowley and Rowena I get it there cool fun characters but it's like really Shelley you don't know why Dean and Sam have a problem with them. Also Crowley is like the purest of evil who has done so so so much evil crap to Dean and Sam so I think the way they treat him is pretty fair and understandable.


i would definitely not want to be eaten by Amara and be a "part" of her, why would i wanna be a part of someone instead of a whole, i'd rather cease to exist, they're just like batteries charging her they're not alive, i don't think dean would like that, he likes his agency, freedom & free will not becoming a part of someone else, that sounds horrifying to me, i would rather my body become dust & goes back to nature & for my soul & conscious to just cease existing not being trapped in someone else, that's just how i feel about it of course, you're so right, how the hell is cas not there with them, poor sammy has to face the being that abused him for 120 years again, i felt so bad for him, felt bad for dean too to have something he doesn't want be forced upon him, great reaction, can't wait for the next one


Thsi episode was CRAZY, really felt almost grander than anything the shows done since the first apocalypse, with all of heaven doing a smiting and Lucifers return. Also side not, you look gorgeous today, always like your make-up, I'm thinking about doing make-up myself, but being a guy that opens up whole can of worms with my conservative family 🤷🏼‍♂️. Anyway, this mid point between the cage that they summed lucifer was always a super dangerous idea, I don't think Sam woulda gone for it if he didn't think god was talking to him, but since season 5 god he's really not even tried to interact with the boys or help, completely ditched his creation, but Amara isn't better, her and God are so powerful they both think their mass murdering, their way or the highway shtick Is the best option for everyone. Crowley and Rowena are hilarious to watch but theyre both murderers who tried to kill the boys, they're not and have never been trustworthy sadly.

Helen Wood

Have you forgotten what Rowena did to Cas not long ago? At this point, she can hardly be considered a friend.


"Going to hell in a handbasket." = The reference for Rowena saying to tell Fergus to bring a "handcart." She was being all Scottish about it, but that was the allusion. 😌 Let me preface this by saying there's a lot to like in Season 11 so far, and I love this show with my whole heart. That said, I wish the previous two episodes' monsters hadn't been so largely goofy, particularly the episode just prior, because unfortunately then I was primed to find the casual stroll into Hell and the summoning music a little goofy. (So sorry, Show. Netflix binging = I hadn't had enough time to forget.) That also said, poor Sam. 😢 He just can't catch a break with this God/Lucifer stuff. A fun tidbit courtesy of Emily Swallow ("Amara"): "It's Jensen. He could have chemistry with a log."